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February - 2004
Sunday - February 1, 2004
Ps 79:10
10 Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed.
1.5 Million Muslims Gather on Mt. Arafat for Hajj
Kerry Sheridan
31 Jan 2004, 12:58 UTCMore than a 1.5 million Muslims were gathering at Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for the central ritual of the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
Amid tight security, masses of believers made their way toward the place where the Prophet Mohammad is said to have delivered his final sermon some 14 centuries ago.
For the pilgrims, standing on Mount Arafat and praying for Allah's forgiveness is the high point of the annual hajj, because it represents the Day of Judgment.
Saudi forces have increased security during the pilgrimage to try to thwart any terrorist act and ensure the safety of the huge crowds. Stampedes and large fires have resulted in hundreds of deaths in recent years.
As part of an ongoing crackdown on alleged terrorist cells in the area, Saudi officials arrested seven suspected Islamic militants and seized a large cache of weapons during two separate raids in Riyadh on Friday.
Who goes to paradise? The worshipper who saved all his life to take the Hajj, or the terrorist who kills him at the Hajj because he is too moderate a Moslem? The important fact of theology is it makes absolute statements about religion that have a single application. Both men can't go to paradise. One must be rejected because of sin otherwise sin and forgiveness of sin becomes meaningless. Islam is in crises, and the militants are setting the agenda. Islamic theology is moving in support of the militants, and hate for the Jews and Jew suporters is the measuring standard. Moslem Nationalism is being replaced with militant Islamic theology. Sin has gone from verbal hate to any hint of moderation. Islamic Nationalism is now incorporating this theology into their law making. The Palestinian Authority has already put a legal death sentence on any Moslem who sells land to the Jews. The Jews have been effectively purged from all the Islamic nations, and any Moslem who might indicate compassion for a Jew knows they are signing their own death certificate should they be exposed. Saudi Arabia has a law that no Jew is allowed on Saudi soil. Moderation pertaining to the Jews is sin of the worst sort in this new theology now permeating Islam.
The God of the Bible has a totally different measurement for sin. The conflict between Islam, and the God of the Bible is in full play. The Holy Land is the focal point. Islam feels obligated to force the world not to sin. They challenge the world to follow their lead. Hitler and the Nazis were the last to try to force this theology on the world. The Holocaust is a testimonial to their success. Islamic theology is following where the Nazis left off, and wants the world to follow them.
The God of the Bible has a different theology. Dispensational change is how God is going to deal with this latest challenge to the Bible. This time everything is in place for the coming Kingdom. For the first time since shortly after the Church age began, the Jews are back in the Holy Land! This more then any other factor points Bible students to the nearness of the Kingdom. We are witnessing the end of Biblical Christianity, and the return of Biblical Judaism. This time Biblical Judaism, when it comes, will look back to the Messiah, and forward to His immanent return!
That Great and Terrible Day
Joel 2:17-31
17 Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?
18 Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.
19 Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:
20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.
21 Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.
22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength.
23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil.
25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.
28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Monday - February 2, 2004
Isa 53:9-10
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Twin Bombings Kill at Least 57 in Iraq
Bombings at Kurd Offices in Iraq Kill 57, and Toll May Hit 100; 20 Iraqis Die in Munitions Blast
The Associated Press
IRBIL, Iraq Feb. 1 — Two suicide bombers struck the offices of two rival Kurdish parties in near simultaneous attacks Sunday as hundreds of Iraqis gathered to celebrate a Muslim holiday. At least 57 people were killed and more than 235 were wounded, officials said. One Kurdish minister said the death toll could rise above 100.
244 Muslim Pilgrims Die in Hajj Stampede
244 Muslim Pilgrims Killed in Stampede During Stoning Ritual at Annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia
The Associated Press
MINA, Saudi Arabia Feb. 1 — A stampede during a stoning ritual at the annual Muslim pilgrimage Sunday killed 244 worshippers and injured hundreds more, Saudi Hajj Minister Iyad Madani said.
The stampede occurred during the devil-stoning ritual, the most animated part of the annual pilgrimage.
Many pilgrims frantically throw rocks, shout insults or hurl their shoes at pillars representing the devil acts that are supposed to demonstrate their deep disdain. Clerics frown upon such actions, saying they are un-Islamic.
Last year, 14 pilgrims were trampled to death during the ritual and 35 died in a 2001 stampede. In 1998, 180 pilgrims died there.
Oh how the Satanic inspired gods of men victimize their willing followers. I have seen old woman in Mexico crawl up stone steps with shredded bloody knees to worship the virgin Mary. We have all seen the Hindus poke their bodies with long needles in attempts to please their god. There is no end to this self inflicted pain, and death demanded by these Satanic gods. Islam is in chaos as different factions tell their followers to murder each other for Allah. The Palestinians living in Baghdad were singled out for Moslem attack and murder this past week. A Moslem mayor in Afghanistan was murdered along with his three sons by other Moslem terrorists. Only Satan finds joy in human chaos. Only Satan wants all of God's creation to fail. Beware of gods that want self flagellation as a means of giving them honor, or a means of righting wrongs. These are the gods of men, and not the God of the Bible. Every Easter I'm sickened by those who are physically crucified to honor a false Christ. It is sickening to see what perverted men do in twisting the Bible to conform to their lies. It is sickening to read the garbage books that are promoted as greater revelation then the Bible.
Islam is celebrating the feast of sacrifice. The faithful willingly follow their false god by supporting the theology of sacrificing the more fanatical for a so called religious cause. The pain inflicted on the victims, and the rejoicing over such pain is pure Satanic. These religions of men must end. It is the real God of the Bible who will be the final victor. All others must submit, or be judged for their sin. There is only one single sacrifice that the God of the Bible condoned, and accepted as valid for sin. Never, either before, or after Calvary did the God of the Bible demand human sacrifice. Abraham might be pointed out as the single exception, but the God of the Bible provided a ram to stand in for Isaac. God loved Abraham, and could not let him do what He was going to allow happen to His own Son at Calvary. The God of the Bible loves His creatures. It is Satan who loves foolish sacrifice for any cause, and any reason. It is foolish men who follow his lead. Two hundred and forty four foolish followers just went into judgment. They will find their sacrifice was the sacrifice of fools when compared to Calvary. They followed the father of lies rather then the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
The Only Single Sacrifice
Isa 53
53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Tuesday - February 3, 2004
Rev 11:4-6
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
Israeli PM Ariel Sharon on Monday has told Ha’aretz that he has given the order for the IDF to plan the evacuation of seventeen Gaza Strip settlements. According to the report that Sharon said a deal would have to be reached with the 7500 Jews living in the area, but he is working on the assumption “that in the future there won't be Jews in the Gaza Strip."
"It is my intention to carry out an evacuation - sorry, a relocation - of settlements that cause us problems and of places that we will not hold onto anyway in a final settlement, like the Gaza settlements," Sharon told the paper. He was commenting on his plan for a unilateral “disengagement” from the Palestinian population, believed to include the removal of isolated settlement communities behind defensible temporary borders in the absence of a final status deal with the Palestinian Authority.
PM Sharon Drops The Bomb: Plans To Expel The Jews Of Gaza
"I have given an order to plan for the evacuation of 17 settlements in the Gaza Strip." So said Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today in an interview with Haaretz. Gush Katif residents say they'll act to topple the Prime Minister.
Why must the Jews always step aside for the gentile world? Make no mistake that Ariel Sharon's intention is influenced by the gentiles, and not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! The answer is because these are the times of the gentiles. The destruction of the First Jewish Temple by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was the event that brought the revelation from God that gave the times of the gentiles a starting point, and also an ending point. God gave Nebuchadnezzar a secret dream which only the Biblical Jewish prophet Daniel could, not only repeat, but interpret.
Today, we approach the end of the times of the gentiles. The stone made without hands is about to crush the toes of iron mixed with clay. The entire image Nebuchadnezzar saw crumbles into dust.
We await for the rapture of the truly born again out of the great whore identified as Apostate Christianity. The very next prophetic event after the rapture is the Great Tribulation the end of which is Armageddon, and the official end of the times of the gentiles. Armageddon is the transition day when the times of the gentiles ends, and the Kingdom age begins. That is the day which is fast approaching. The Jews back in the Holy Land is the greatest sign that dispensational change is in process. Soon, it will not be the Jews who must step aside, but the gentiles.
I don't know if Sharon will be successful in implementing his intensions on the Jews, and the Holy Land? I do know he is wrong. I do know the day is coming when the gentile influence over planet earth will come to an end. In that day the Jewish Kingdom will thrive in the Holy Land, at Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount. Ezekiel's Temple is coming, and gentile resistance will be intense. A new leadership will soon be manifested in Jerusalem. Two Jewish prophets are predicted in the Bible to minister at Jerusalem. They will not be intimidated, or influenced by the gentiles! I think they will have the power to build the last Jewish Temple during the times of the gentiles that will go on into the Kingdom age!
The End of one Era - The Beginning of the Next
Dan 2:27-36
27 Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king;
28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;
29 As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass.
30 But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.
31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
Wednesday - February 5, 2004
Ps 9:10
10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
Likud MKs Threaten To Vote Out Sharon
17:00 Feb 04, '04 / 12 Shevat 5764Likud MKs Edelstein and Erdan are collecting signatures on a sharp letter to Prime Minister Sharon in which they threaten to bring down his government. Arutz-7's Haggai Seri-Levy read the letter aloud on Arutz-7 only a half-hour after it began to be disseminated:
"We, MKs in the Likud Knesset faction, request of you not to make unilateral decisions to evacuate the legal settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. We followed you in the elections when this issue was not on the agenda, and we ask that before a decision is made, a debate is held in the party institutions. We express deep concern about the very possibility that the left-wing parties would join the government in order to implement this plan. We wish to hereby make it clear in advance that it will be very difficult for us to support this plan of yours if it is not discussed first in the party institutions. In the event that for the purpose of implementing this plan, you will make changes in the government and add the Labor Party in order to support the plan, we will not be able to support these appointments."
Seri-Levy adds that though they don't say so in the letter, the signatories threaten to vote no-confidence in Sharon as well, if it comes to that. "So far, only four MKs - Edelstein, Erdan, Kara and Yatom - are signed on the letter," he said, "but it's only been a half-hour. So let's wait and see." As of an hour and a half later, six more MKs had signed; MK David Levy said he would not sign "because its tone is too moderate."
Within the Likud, 21 of the 40 MKs are said to be against Sharon's withdrawal plan, including Ruby Rivlin, Naomi Blumental, David Levy, and Leah Ness, as well as Ministers Shalom, HaNegbi, Katz, Landau and Sheetrit. Four are undecided, including Ministers Netanyahu and Naveh and MKs Saar and Avraham. The plan thus does not currently appear to have good chances of passing even a Cabinet vote.
MK Yechiel Chazan, the Likud's Yesha representative, has begun contacts to try to start a split within the party. He is planning to hold a gathering of supporters very soon, and is not hiding his intentions to break up the party if Sharon continues to go through with his plan.
The Yesha Council [Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza] continues to call on the right-wing parties in the government - the National Religious Party and the National Union - to quit the coalition even before Prime Minister Sharon departs for the U.S. and his meeting with President Bush. "Quitting after Sharon submits his plan to Bush," said Council leaders Bentzy Lieberman and Tzviki Bar-Chai, "will be too late, as the plan will have already gotten underway." They call upon the public to realize that Sharon is not merely playing a media game, "but is truly serious about his plans and they are on their way to execution."
The liberal Labor Party in Israel is 100% for implementing this foolish gentile road map. It has only been the conservative Likud Party that has stood in their way. Now the formerly conservative Sharon has folded to the pressure of both the gentiles and the liberals by proposing to displace many of the 250,000 Jewish settlers now living in Yesha. The backlash is strong, but when the votes are counted the settlers lose. They are not popular in either Party because they refuse to get entangled in politics. These are independent fundamental Jews who put the Bible before the dictates of men. They have few friends on Jerusalem's capital hill. They lean more to conservatism, but it is the conservative Sharon who is now selling them out. Their reluctance to get involved with politics has proved a wise move. They don't depend on the politicians, but on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are still blind to their Messiah, but I'm convinced their redemption only awaits the rapture of born again believers out from the great whore Apostate Christianity.
Sharon is in deep trouble from another front. His illegal adventures with a wealthy land owner has put his entire family in jeopardy. The investigation has just started, but this may prove the end of the Sharon leadership of the Likud. What is sad is there is no one in the wings who also would not sell out the settlers for political advantage. The settlers lose no matter who follows Sharon into office. These independent fundamental Jewish settlers can only continue trusting in the impossible. So far, that trust has proven that the choice they made has been the right choice.
Ps 25:1-5
25:1 A Psalm of David.
Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
2 O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Friday - February 6, 2004
Isa 59:4
4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
Knesset passes first reading of Arutz 7 bill
By Zvi Zrahiya, Haaretz Correspondent
The Knesset approved Wednesday the first reading of a government-sponsored bill that would allow right-wing pirate radio station Arutz 7 to compete for a broadcasting license. The first reading passed by 47 votes to 17.
Opposition lawmakers said the bill was designed to appease the settler-run station, which was shut down several months ago. Managers and employees of the station were subsequently convicted of operating a radio station without a license. They were handed sentences ranging from three to six months.
Communications Minister Ehud Olmert, who initiated the bill, said an assumption that the legislation was aimed at one specific group was unfounded. According to Olmert, the law was formulated by top experts from his department.
If passed, the new law will allow the communications ministry to award broadcast licenses to radio stations that appeal primarily to specific sectors of society or those that have a unique characteristic, such as an alternative language or culture.
The law would also grant to the government powers to decide which targeted stations are licensed, in accordance with demographic requirements.
Arutz 7 managers in court last month, where they were convicted of operating a radio station without a license. (Pierre Terdjman / BauBau)
What is going on in Israel is the the government bureaucracy is run mostly by the liberals. It is much like America was before fox and conservative radio. The liberals do not want their bias control over the radio threatened. They do not want any voice of criticism allowed. It is a weak argument to say if we let the conservatives have a voice then we open the door to a neo-Nazi radio station? I just don't think that will happen. There has to be an audience first, and Arutz 7 has that audience that puts the knees of the liberals a shaking.
I would agree that Arutz is a voice for the independent fundamental Jewish settler movement, but it is too big a leap the say it is run by the Jewish settlers. They cover a lot of conservative issues that go beyond just the settlers. I'm glad the tide has changed, and Arutz is getting justice rather then prejudicial treatment from the Knesset.
The liberal media is not the place to go if you want to learn what God is doing in the world today. That is not a newsworthy story, or it is information that can only be released with a liberal spin. I have great hopes that as God brings more and more pressure on the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount that the truth will be reported. The establishment of Arutz 7 radio will go a long way to allowing the truth to be filtered out of competitive reporting rather then the one sided reporting now being offered to the Jews of the Holy Land.
Liberal Bias Left Unchecked
Jer 9:1-6
9:1 Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!
2 Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men.
3 And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.
4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
5 And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.
6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.
Saturday - February 7, 2004
Ezek 39:4
4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
Moscow Metro Explosion Caused By Suicide Bomber -Interfax
MOSCOW (AP)--The explosion that hit the Moscow metro Friday was carried out by a suicide bomber, the Interfax news agency reported, citing police sources.
Authorities are still investigating the explosion to see if it was an act of terrorism, said Kirill Mazurin, spokesman for Moscow police. He said the death toll could be as high as 30.
Earlier, the Emergency Situations Ministry said the explosion killed at least 22 people and wounded 30.
The same extreme type terrorism aimed at the Jewish people in Israel is menacing the Russian people also. The Chechnyan separatists are of the same animalistic mind set as the Palestinians. Their goal is to establish an Islamic Republic North of the Caucasus Mountains. It is from the North that the Ezekiel 38 &39 invasion of Israel is prompted. What happens North of the Caucasus Mountains should make every Bible reader wary.
We are witnessing brutality of the worst sort all associated with Islam, and as a direct challenge to the Bible. Islam has put the Koran above the Bible as the book to which they give their allegiance. Their brutality is justified, and their defiance of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is glorified. They are intent on making the writings of Mohammad higher then the revelatory writings of the Jewish prophets. This conflict is heading for a single solution in the Holy Land, at Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount.
I suspect that once the mandate to build Ezekiel's Temple is given it will stir Islam into one final invasion of Israel. The Bible is very clear in Ezekiel 39 that this invasion ends in complete disaster for the invaders. God will end what the beasts of Islam start. The end is horrific with multitudes dead in the fields, and on the mountains of Israel. It will be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who will manifest such wrath on these mindless animals who attack innocent civilians with such conscienceless hate. Their bodies will be fodder for the real beasts of the field, and fowls of the air. Islam has a beginning with the writings of Mohamed (the Koran), and an end in Ezekiel 39. Islam will join all the other great cultures before it that defied the Bible. It is bound for the dung heap of human history.
The Coming Great Islamic Sacrifice
Ezek 39:17-22
17 And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.
18 Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
19 And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.
20 Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD.
21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.
22 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward.
Sunday - February 8, 2004
Ps 26:8-10
8 LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.
9 Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men:
10 In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes.
Gunmen beat up the Palestinian police chief at police headquarters in Gaza City on Thursday, sparking a gun battle that wounded at least 13 people, Palestinian sources said.
Police said in a statement the incident was a failed bid to assassinate the police chief, Major General Ghazi al-Jabali, who escaped the gun battle unhurt. But Palestinians affiliated with the PSS denied this, saying he was only beaten severely. Other reports said he escaped uninjured.
Accounts differ as to what happened.
"A group of lawless individuals of the lowest level tried to assassinate the founder of the Palestinian national police, sent by some parties that do not want security and peace for the homeland," police said in a statement.
Sources said that the assailants were members of the PA Preventive Security Service in Gaza acting on behalf of Mohammed Dahlan, the former head of the service. Jabali is a personal appointee of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.
Dahlan was frequently at odds with Arafat during his tenure as minister for security affairs under Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and views Jabali as a rival. The Gaza PSS is currently headed by a close associate of Dahlan's and is still considered his power base.
Samir Mashharawi, a senior Fatah leader in Gaza, said "there was no assassination attempt. What happened was that four members of the Preventive Security Service who were on a cordial visit to Jabali were involved in a brawl that developed into a gun battle."
He said the police know the identities of the four assailants and that an investigation is under way to determine the reason for the shooting.
This is not the first time members of different Palestinian security services have clashed, nor is it the first time such clashes have involved associates of Dahlan facing off against associates of Arafat.
Jabali, who arrived with the PLO in 1994, is one of the most controversial figures in the PA security establishment. Last year Arafat fired him following allegations that he had abused his power to accumulate a fortune and was involved in a series of "moral" scandals. But Arafat reappointed him as commander.
The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned recent violent attacks on Palestinian media outlets in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Armed gunmen entered the Ramallah-based Al-Quds Educational Television on Feb. 2, demanded a "tape," beat two staffers and fired at the station's equipment. Also this week, a newspaper in Gaza City was broken into and sabotaged and in January a Gaza correspondent for Al-Arabiyya was beaten. The attackers claimed that they were from Fatah and told him not to talk about the group again in his reports. Fatah denied responsibility for the incident. Al-Arabiyya was also targeted last fall.
I can't believe a sophisticated gentile world can't see what they are releasing on the Jewish people of Israel? I used to think phrases like "thugs and gangsters run the government" were extremist views going too far in describing the opposition, but I really think it is true of the Palestinians. It is self-inflicted because of their hate for the Jews. The Palestinian Islamic Arabs will only tolerate those of
the most animalistic hate for Jews to represent them. The fruit of such hatred is that the character of those who possess such hate makes them treat their own kind with the same behavior. The Palestinian Arabs have sown to the wind, and are now reaping the whirlwind!
Now, the gentile world wants the Jewish People of Israel to be victimized with this whirlwind forever. The gentiles would decree a State made up of these wild animals to forever exist in the midst of the Holy Land. I can't help but think this is a slap in the face to the God of the Bible who has always said upon the whole planet this is the only place He has said would be His. Now, the gentiles show their contempt for the Biblical God by trying to permanently place the worst culture on planet earth into His Holy Land.
Brutish Men
Ps 49:10-15
10 For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.
11 Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.
12 Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish.
13 This their way is their folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings. Selah.
14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.
15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah.
Monday - February 9, 2004
Josh 13:6
6 All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon unto Misrephoth-maim, and all the Sidonians, them will I drive out from before the children of Israel: only divide thou it by lot unto the Israelites for an inheritance, as I have commanded thee.
Media Confusion and Conflicting Headlines
16:17 Feb 08, '04 / 16 Shevat 5764
Some of the largest media outlets in Israel are tripping over themselves in their rush to report on an "imminent" evacuation of Gaza - so much so that today's front pages of the two leading papers, usually clones of each other, herald diametrically opposing scenarios.
Yediot Acharonot, Israel's largest paper, blares out, "Israel Will Not Destroy the Communities to be Evacuated," adding that Arab refugees will be able to live in the houses that remain. This is followed by a two-page spread of homes in Gush Katif with a large caption, "Gush Katif Before the Evacuation," and sub-headlined, "The luxurious villas and factories in the settlements won't be destroyed after the retreat."
Maariv, on the other hand, which also contains several references on its first three pages implying the certainty of a retreat, evacuation, and expulsion from Jewish Gaza, has a totally different headline: "We Will Destroy Every House and Greenhouse in the Withdrawal," it reads, quoting a source "close to Sharon."
Staffers in the Prime Minister's Bureau say that neither of the two reports have any basis.
It will be recalled that in 1982, after Israel withdrew from approximately a dozen communities in northern Sinai as well as the city of Yamit, under the supervision of then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, barely a building was left standing.
David Banjo, who has lived in N'vei Dekalim for 15 years, told Arutz-7 today that in truth, "neither of those headlines is correct. I invite everyone to come visit here and see that the true headlines are being made here, in our everyday lives. It's true that Sharon is capable of carrying out his plans, but notice that he has said several different things in the past few days: first a unilateral retreat, then a referendum, then he talks about going to new elections, etc. The reality of life in Gush Katif is that we are very strong, and we have gone through a lot - mortar shells every day, talk of uprooting for years, and more. We have overcome them, and we will overcome this as well."
It is sad that the conflict between these two cloned liberal rags should develop over whether the government will, or will not destroy the homes of the independent fundamental Jewish settlers of Yesha after they are ejected. It is almost joyful toying with these families who put all their hopes, and efforts to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by being settlers. The liberal Jews display the same vindictiveness as the animalistic Palestinians. They can't wait to "rub it in" as they anticipate the first ejection of these settlers whom they hate for their conservative religious position. I can't imagine what is worse: the destruction of the home built with joyful expectations, or the home given to a potential terrorist to enjoy while he plans to kill Jewish civilians? This is a terrible prospect to be so gleefully speculated before the public.
Today, we live in a world of sin. The American public was confronted with this truth at the Super Bowl half time show. Whenever God manifests His Will there is conflict. Righteousness does not fit into the world's way of thinking. It is right for Jews to occupy and conquer Judah, Samaria, and Gaza during
this miraculous third entrance into the Holy Land. The opposition is great, but the God of the Bible is greater. However, refusal to do what the LORD commands brings terrible consequences. In 1967 the LORD opened the good land for the Jews to occupy and conquer. It is now 37 years later, and the Land remains filled with the heathen Islamic Palestinian Arabs. The time is short, and the consequences grave. I only wonder how all this is going to end? I know God will win, but I wonder how much the sin of compromise will hinder the ultimate victory?
The Good Land
Josh 23:13-15
13 Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
14 And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.
15 Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your God promised you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until he have destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Tuesday - February 10, 2004
Ps 34:11
11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Report: Al-Qaida has obtained tactical nuclear explosives
By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent, and Haaretz Service
Al-Qaida have possessed tactical nuclear weapons for about six years, the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper reported Sunday.
The Arabic daily reported that sources close to Al-Qaida said Osama bin Laden's group bought the nuclear weapons from Ukrainian scientists who were visiting Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 1998.
The report has not been confirmed.
However, the sources said Al-Qaida doesn't intend to use the weapons against American forces in Muslim countries, "due to the serious damage" it could cause. But that decision is subject to change, the sources said, if Al-Qaida "is dealt a serious blow that won't leave it any room to maneuver."
The possibility of detonating the nuclear devices on American soil was also raised in the report, although no details were given.
The sources were quoted as saying that Al-Qaida actvists have hidden the weapons - each of which is about the size of a suitcase - in "a safe place."
Kandahar was the stronghold of the Taliban, which kept Afghanistan under tight religious restrictions until the United States attacked it in retaliation for the September 2001 attacks.
In the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, serious concern arose in the West over the possibility that nuclear technology and weapons could spread to other groups, in part due to the difficult economic situation in the former communist lands. Several reports of the nuclear arsenal in the former Soviet Union in the 1990s indicated that a few dozen nuclear explosive devices had disappeared. One of the theories was that the devices disappeared in Ukraine, which claims that it handed over all its nuclear weapons to Russia.
This report is clearly identified as unconfirmed, but what is true is that several small nuclear tactical devices are missing, or at the least unaccounted. This world should be thankful the Biblical God is in absolute control, or such reports would drive us into hopeless depression. The probability of one of these animalistic terrorist groups getting a nuclear bomb is real. What is not probable, but certain is that they would use it with conscienceless vengeance on whoever they choose. The depravity of such groups is not new, but the horror they can release is unique to our generation.
Islam is thirsting for a victory, and the focus is more and more turning to little Israel. It seems to me that technology has finally brought the world to the brink of Armageddon. The nuclear age is now coming into the reach of the fanatics who have no fear of man or God. The fear of the LORD is a primary feature of the Bible that has little influence on these cultures of hate. They ignore the Bible replacing it with the Koran. Allah becomes a god for sexual perverts rewarding the most depraved behavior. There will be no hesitation when one of these fellows gets the opportunity to press the button. Sin filled mankind is on the brink of self destruction. Only the God of the Bible holds back the inevitable so that a few more may be saved. The time is short. The times of the gentiles is coming to
an end. The Church age dispensation is about to end. The wrath of God is about to be manifested such as has never been administered toward any other generation. Grace and mercy ignored, or trivialized by this generation will be its downfall. Wrath will reestablish the fear of the LORD to the creature that refuses to go to the Bible for the solution to sin.
The fear of the Lord is the only way to overcome the fear of evil!
Fear of the LORD - Fear of Evil
Prov 1:24-33
24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Wednesday - February 11, 2004
Josh 15:20
20 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families.
Josh 15:47
47 Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, unto the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof:
Jewish Gaza: Today and in History
17:57 Feb 10, '04 / 18 Shevat 5764
A victory over both terrorism and schemes to uproot the Jews of Gaza was celebrated in Kfar Darom today. Eliezer and Chana Bart held the brit - ritual circumcision - of their week-old son today, naming him Amichai [My Nation Lives] Yisrael. Chana is wheelchair-bound and paralyzed in the lower half of her body, following a terrorist shooting attack two years ago. Among her first concerns at the time was whether she would be able to bear more children. Doctors closely tracked her pregnancy, fearing that she would not be able to feel the onset of labor pangs. The family has seven other children, and the joy in Kfar Darom today was complete. Baby Amichai was born the day after Sharon's bombshell announcement of his plan to expel the nearly 8,000 Jews of Gaza from their homes.
Contrary to popular perception, Gaza has long been a Jewish area, and is in fact included in the Biblical Land of Israel; a dispute among traditional Jewish commentators exists only regarding the area west of El Arish in northern Sinai. It is mentioned as land that should have been conquered by Joshua; was home to Jews during the times of the Hasmoneans and the redaction of the Mishna; and its Jewish population was strong enough to withstand an attempt by Constantine in the 4th century to build a Christian church there. More recently, Jews lived there from 1885 until World War I, and a renewed Jewish community remained there until the Muslim pogroms of 1929. Kfar Darom was established there in 1946, lasting only until the War of Independence two years later, and in 1973, Netzer Hazani - the first of 17 Jewish communities that now exist in Gaza - was established.
The media spin is that the Gaza Strip is Arab territory, and the Jewish settlers in the Gaza are the troublemakers. The truth is Jewish heritage in the Gaza goes back to Biblical times, but since when has the media been interested in the truth? The God of the Bible is on record as saying the Gaza is the inheritance of the Tribe of Judah, but since when has the world cared about what the God of the Bible says?
The heathen remnant of this miraculous third Biblical entrance of the Jews into the Holy Land are also going to perish as all others did before Jewish sovereignty in the past. For three transgressions and for four the present Islamic Arab Palestinians have doomed themselves.
It may be a strange thing for me to write about the destruction of the heathen in the Holy Land when all the news is proclaiming their victory. It would seem I got it all wrong? The gentile road map is reported as if it is done, and Babylon the Great of antichrist fame is in chaos. It is certainly within my capabilities to get it all wrong, but the Bible has it right. The best I can do is speculate on whether the news of today is coming into compatibility with what Biblical prophecy says.
I know the heathen of Gaza will again suffer for three transgressions and for four. Today will not be soon enough from my perspective. God obviously dose not move according to my personal feelings. There is a time for longsuffering filled with mercy and grace, but there also is a time of judgment. God is clear that judgment is coming to planet earth. When it comes, it will center in the Holy Land, at Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount. That time is close at hand. I feel it in my bones!
The Remnant of the Heathens will Perish
Amos 1:6-8
6 Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive the whole captivity, to deliver them up to Edom:
7 But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof:
8 And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the sceptre from Ashkelon, and I will turn mine hand against Ekron: and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish, saith the Lord GOD.
Thursday - February 12, 2004
Zech 14:4
4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
Rev 6:16-17
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Earthquake Hits Israel
17:32 Feb 11, '04 / 19 Shevat 5764
An earthquake rocked most of Israel at 10:15 this morning, and was felt from the north to the northern Negev. One worker was lightly hurt when he fell off scaffolding, and only a handful of other minor injuries were reported. Cracks were reported to have formed in some buildings - including the Knesset, where the main session was postponed for two hours until after engineers checked the building.
The epicenter of the earthquake - first thought to be 4.5 on the Richter scale, but later reported as a moderately-heavy 5 - is thought to be in the northern Dead Sea. Popular weatherman Danny Roop captured the feelings of most Israelis when he said, "Actually, what does it matter whether it was 4 or 5? The main thing is that all of us really felt it quite strongly."
Two buildings in the Tel Aviv area were reported to have partially collapsed, but these reports were soon found to be based on false alarms. Phone systems in the Tel Aviv area did collapse for a short while, however, due to heavy usage immediately after the quake. In Ein Gedi, close to the Dead Sea shore, nothing more serious than falling objects was reported. The shaking of the earth was felt in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and even in Egypt.
Officials in the Education Ministry, after consultation with Seismological Institute personnel, decided shortly before 11 AM that, because of the fear of aftershocks, all pupils must be kept outside their school buildings. Regular studies resumed shortly after noon, however. Conflicting reports were heard as to whether aftershocks could be expected.
In Hevron, the students of Yeshivat Shavei Hevron did not immediately leave their building, as they thought at first that the shaking was the result of a terrorist bombing. When it was ascertained that it was in fact an earthquake, the students gathered outside the yeshiva and recited the traditional blessing of "Who Performs an Act of Creation," and then evacuated to the nearby Avraham Avinu neighborhood.
The US Geological Survey says that several thousand shocks with magnitudes of about 4.5 or greater occur each year around the world.
The last major calamitous earthquake in Israel occurred in July 1927. Centered in Jericho, it killed several hundred people and left thousands homeless. It was estimated at 6.2 on today's Richter scale, or some 40 times stronger than today's quake. The last major earthquake to affect Israel was in 1995; it was centered under the Red Sea, about 70 kilometers south of Eilat, and caused only very minor structural damage.
Experts have been warning for years that Israel is due for another major earthquake in the coming years or decades. Earthquake scholar Dr. Ron Avni of Be'er Sheva University told Arutz-7's Moshe Priel that the feared quake could reach 7 on the Richter scale - releasing well over 900 times more energy than today's shake. "It's true," Avni said, "that Israel started, a few years ago, to prepare for a quake, including plans to strengthen threatened buildings, but unfortunately the work has stopped."
The prophet Zechariah foretells a cataclysmic earthquake in the Land of Israel when the Messiah comes to the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem. The mountain shall be split down the middle from east to west, forming an enormous valley to which people shall flee.
There are thousands of earthquakes around the world every year. It is not until the ground moves from under your feet that the fear of the LORD gets applied in a very personal way. There is something about terra firma moving that crushes all our feelings of security. There is no place to run when the earth is shaking. It may be wise to run out of a building, but there is no feeling of security while the street is still shaking under your feet.
There is purpose in everything God does. Earthquakes in the Holt Land should always awaken our attention. It is no coincidence that this earthquake should center near the Dead Sea where Sodom and Gomorrah once stood. The message is clear. God does judge evil, and that judgment is absolute.
There are Jews in Israel who are awake. They look to the Bible, and see God uses things like earthquakes to accomplish His promises. They know God promised them a Messiah, and are reminded of those promises when contemplating the purpose behind this latest earthquake.
The Jews have long been persecuted by Apostate Christianity. Jesus means hateful treatment to them because their exposior to most of the Christian Denominations has been nothing other then hate. The denominations promote the false doctrine of substitution theology where the Christians get all the future blessings specifically promised to the Jews. It is no wonder Jesus has a bad connotation to the Jews. It is going to be a great awakening when God opens Jewish eyes to the Biblical Christ rather then the Christ of the Christian Denominations. The Jews are going to find that a remnant of Christian fundamentalists have been hated by the denominations, and main stream Christianity as much as they have. It is the fundamentalists who have consistently stood up against the apostasy of
the Roman Catholic Church. It is the fundamentalists who consistently opposed the false doctrine of the Charismatics. It is the fundamentalists who consistently warned against the lukewarm Evangelical movement that God has already said He will spew from His mouth.
Main stream Christianity has gone the wrong direction, and the Biblical Jesus is being wrongly presented to the world. Soon, the Jews will open their hearts to the Biblical Jesus. They will understand grace, and will know why absolute judgment must be administered before their Jewish Kingdom can come.
Acts 1:6-12
6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey.
I just heard the crack in the Knesset Building was in the ceiling right above where Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sits. I only wonder if it was enough to awaken the fear of the Lord in this secular Jewish politician? I heard a second crack appeared above the doorway used by the Prime Minister when he exits the building.
It seems to me this is more then coincidence at a time when Sharon is selling out the independent fundamental Jewish settlers of Yesha!
Friday - February 13, 2004
Ex 18:21
21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:
Suha Arafat says Israeli prime minister behind reports of alleged bank transfers to her
Thursday February 12, 2004
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) The wife of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was behind reports of a probe by French prosecutors into alleged transfers totaling millions of dollars to bank accounts she holds, a newspaper reported Thursday.
The preliminary inquiry, opened by the Paris prosecutor's office in October, is looking into the alleged transfer of $11.4 million to Suha Arafat's accounts at the Arab Bank and at French bank BNP between July 2002 and September 2003, French judicial officials have said.
The probe was first reported by a weekly satirical newspaper, Le Canard Enchaine, on Wednesday.
In a phone interview with Suha Arafat from Paris, home to the Palestinian first lady, she told the Al-Hayat daily that Sharon was spreading ``the malevolent press leaks'' to cover up a bribery scandal that could force him out of office....
Arafat told Al-Hayat that the money she receives is sent to her and spent legally. In the published interview, she did not specify how much she has received nor did she reveal the amount under investigation.
``What's strange about the Palestinian president sending any amount of money to his family and his wife who cares for Palestinian interests abroad?'' Arafat said in the interview.
``All this money has come, and is coming, in a legal way and the way it's spent is legal,'' she added. ``My husband and I are ready to respond to any questioning regarding the source of this money and they way it was spent.''
French officials have stressed the investigation is only in its preliminary stages and that police are not involved. Nor has a full investigation been ordered, since the inquiry has not determined that the alleged funds came from illicit sources a necessity if prosecutors are to file any charges of money laundering, French officials have said.
The investigation originated from a Bank of France inspection of the Arab Bank. The Bank of France found that nearly $1.27 million was allegedly transferred monthly from Switzerland to Suha Arafat's accounts in Paris, French judicial officials have said.
The Bank of France alerted the watchdog Banking Commission, which in turn alerted the Paris prosecutor's office in September, according to those officials. They said that Tracfin, a government organization that collates information about money laundering, confirmed the Bank of France's suspicions about the alleged transfers.
1.2 million every month is a good figure to picture the next time you see the poverty of the Islamic Arab Palestinians. It is not ironic that Suha should say it is all the Jew's fault, and blame this revelation on the Jewish Prime Minister. Every time Palestinians get caught doing something wrong they always blame it on the Jews. The suicide bombers are blamed on the Jews, and the sorry media runs with the false story. What is sad is that the majority of Palestinians really believe it is all the fault of Israel. They really believe that should the earth be ethnically cleansed of all Jews it would solve all the major problems. They believe the world agrees with them by what the media reports.
Reality says the problem is greed, and as long as the Palestinians elect animalistic Jewish hate mongers, they will be victimized by this kind of excessive exploitation. Arafat and his cronies would be exploiting everyone gullible enough to follow whether the Jews are present or not. He is able to accomplish this by promoting hate as the greater criteria then ethics. The Palestinian people deserve exactly what they have.
The next time the news media talks about the victimization of the Palestinians think 1.2 million every month rather then the common story that it is the Jews.
Sharon is facing his own problems with greed. He does not have the majority of the Jews willing to wink at this kind of indirection. Greed may well do to Sharon what all the suicide bombers could not. It will be interesting to watch how truth is reacted to by these two cultures. In the end it will be the God of the Bible who makes the crucial judgment on all greed and indiscretion. It will be the judgment of God, and not men that will make the eternal fate of all men. At that judgment both Sharon and Arafat will stand as equals. There will be no respect of persons on that day. Only those written down in the book of life will be redeemed from such one sided standard. Only those clothed in the righteousness of the lamb will be exempt from the judgmental contrast of the individual compared to the absolutely pure and holy God of the Bible. In such a judgment both Arafat and Sharon are found lacking.
Covetous Men are Doomed
Ps 10:1-16
10:1 Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?
2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth.
4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.
5 His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them.
6 He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity.
7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity.
8 He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor.
9 He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net.
10 He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones.
11 He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.
12 Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble.
13 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it.
14 Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless.
15 Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none.
16 The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land.
Saturday - February 14, 2004
Ex 3:7
7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
Secret EU Findings: European Donations To P.A. Were Used For Terrorism
15:35 Feb 13, '04 / 21 Shevat 5764
A secret report prepared by the European Union's Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) concludes that tens of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid donated by the EU to the Palestinian Authority were actually used for terrorism against Israel. Remarkably, the conclusions are based on papers that Israel discovered almost two full years ago, during Operation Defensive Shield, and which it presented to the world immediately afterwards.
The German weekly Die Welt reported this week that OLAF has finally accepted the Israeli claims that PA terror organs are using millions of EU aid dollars to subsidize terror by Fatah-Tanzim and even Hamas. OLAF representatives recently visited Israel to personally verify the authenticity of PA documents found by Israeli forces during the IDF's month-long anti-terror offensive of April 2002.
The documents, put on display in Jerusalem way back on April 11, 2002, include some with Arafat's signature approving expenses to cover terror activities for 11 different terrorist leaders. Also among them are documents showing that the Orient House - PLO headquarters in Jerusalem - served as a center for terrorist activities, payments to terrorists' families, Fatah membership forms, an itemized report on terrorist activities in Jerusalem, PA salary slips for Orient House officials, proof of ties between the PA and Israeli-Arabs, and much more.
The documents were presented to EU Commissioner Chris Patten last year, but he did not accept the Israeli conclusions. Recently, however, in response to increasing pressure from EU Parliament Members, he ordered OLAF to investigate the accusations - and they found that the documents are in fact genuine and truly prove that the humanitarian aid was diverted to terror organizations. These conclusions, not yet publicized, were reported in Die Welt....
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin and the family's legal counsel for the suit, explains that the EU closed its eyes to the true use of the money it supplied to the PA, knowing that it was being used for terrorism. The suit makes clear that Israel warned the EU more than once that its money was being misused. The total amount of EU money to the PA since 1994 surpasses $1.5 billion.
"The OLAF report must be publicized immediately," Darshan-Leitner says, "and the EU aid to the Palestinian Authority must cease as well. If not for the reckless EU funding to the PA, hundreds of Israeli victims would still be alive, and thousands more would not have had to suffer their wounds. European taxpayers must recognize that they sponsored Palestinian terrorism, and they must recompense its victims."
OLAF has not denied the Die Welt report, but rather protested its publication as based on "secret information," and said that the investigation into the PA spending is continuing.
It is nothing new for Israel to see overwhelming proof of Islamic Palestinian governmental sponsored terrorism, and see the world just stonewall. Politics always takes precedents over the truth when Europe is dealing with the Jews. It should be no wonder that Israel knows they will never get a fair shake when dealing with either the EU, or the UN. The Palestinians close their eyes to the corruption of Arafat, and now it is known the EU has closed it's eyes for the last two years. Just as the Islamic Palestinians did nothing, but blame Israel for the revelation of Arafat's domestic corruption, so also I expect the EU will do nothing substantial about it's now blatant support of Islamic terror.
I grew up in Chicago, and as a kid I knew that the downfall of Big Al Capone was not due to all the people he murdered; But, his financial indiscretions were what did him in. The people of Chicago had enough, and it was not until they pressured the politicians that Capone was put away. It appears
nether the Palestinians, or the Europeans have had enough of Arafat! He will continue his evil ways using his "tongue in cheek" governmental leadership position to torture the Jews just for being Jewish. It seems obvious the Europeans have willingly supported Arafat's actions for the last two years, and probably suspected the same much longer. Blaming the Jews for everything keeps Arafat in power. Blaming God for keeping His promise to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the truth behind all this blame hatred against the Jewish people.
The God of the Bible is hardening the hearts of those who are about to be judged! The truth of what is in their hearts is being exposed so all the world can see. The end of gentile influential dominance over The Promised Land, and planet earth is near.
"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done"
Israel Must Come Out of the World
(They Must Stand Alone)
Ex 7:1-5
7:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
2 Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.
3 And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.
4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.
5 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
Friday - February 20, 2004
I just got out of the hospital, and am a little shaky. Thanks for bearing with my absence these last few days. I hope my first returning comments won't make you as sick as it does me.... Thinking about what I just said let me reconsider. I hope it does make you as sick as it does me! I didn't publish this page for the milk toast lovey doveies. A right understanding of the Bible should make all of this generation of Christians sick! Main stream Christianity is going the wrong way, and hardly anyone says a thing about it. Well, I'm sick of it, and am saying something! I know the real enemies of the Biblical Christ are the Hollywood crowd. The Jews could never even come close to their kind of hate for purity and holiness.
Ps 2:12
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Mel Gibson's father says Holocaust exaggerated
February 19, 2004 - 12:23PM A week before the United States release of Mel Gibson's controversial movie, The Passion of the Christ, the filmmaker's father has repeated claims the Holocaust was exaggerated.
Hutton Gibson's comments, made in a telephone interview with New York radio talk show host Steve Feuerstein, come at an awkward time for the actor-director who has been trying to deflect criticism from Jewish groups that his film might inflame anti-Semitic sentiment.
In his interview on WSNR radio's Speak Your Piece, to be broadcast on Monday, Hutton Gibson, argued that many European Jews counted as death camp victims of the Nazi regime had in fact fled to countries like Australia and the United States.
"It's all -- maybe not all fiction -- but most of it is," he said, adding that the gas chambers and crematoria at camps like Auschwitz would not have been capable of exterminating so many people.
"Do you know what it takes to get rid of a dead body? To cremate it?" he said. "It takes a litre of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million of them? They (the Germans) did not have the gas to do it. That's why they lost the war."
Gibson's father caused a furore last year when he made similar remarks in a New York Times article.
In a television interview with Diane Sawyer this week, Mel Gibson accused the Times of taking advantage of his father, and he warned Sawyer against broaching the subject again.
"He's my father. Gotta leave it alone Diane. Gotta leave it alone," Gibson said, while offering his own perspective on the Holocaust.
"Do I believe that there were concentration camps where defenceless and innocent Jews died cruelly under the Nazi regime? Of course I do; absolutely," he said. "It was an atrocity of monumental proportion."
During his lengthy radio interview, Hutton Gibson, 85, said Jews were out to create "one world religion and one world government" and outlined a conspiracy theory involving Jewish bankers, the US Federal Reserve and the Vatican, among others.
The Passion, which gets its US release on February 25, purports to be a faithful and graphic account of Christ's last 12 hours on earth.
Jewish leaders who have attended advance screenings have voiced concerns that its portrayal of the Jews' role in Christ's execution could stir up anti-Semitic feeling.
I remember seeing a documentary about Auschwitz. They asked some of the older folks who lived along the rail route what they remembered about the one way cattle car loads of Jews who passed their homes day after day. One old babushka covered Catholic grandma said it all. She claimed she could hear the Jews crying out to Mother Mary for help, but from her perspective it was now too late for them. That attitude is alive and well ready to burst out on the world again.
I have a big problem with The Passion of the Christ! It used to be that you needed a testimony to speak to others about the Christ of the Bible. Fundamental missionaries were held to the highest standards, and should they ever slip, even once, they were out. They could go sell cars, but they could never represent the Lord Jesus Christ as part of any reputable organization or society representing Christ. Today, we have a Roman Catholic drug user who openly brags he is addicted to everything representing the Catholic Christ on screen, and doing an acceptable evangelistic work for mainstream Evangelical Christianity. The old independent fundamentalists are turning over in their graves at what this generation of Christians find acceptable.
The Hollywood crowd has been eyeing all the money the TV Charismatics have been accumulating, and the Janet Jackson promoters want a piece of the pie. These porno producers have noticed how gullible these foolish Christians have become. They know if they say the right words they can lead them into their dens of iniquity making their children think it is all right to pay out big bucks to Hollywood rather then give it to the few independent fundamental missionaries who still stand for Christ maintaining a responsible testimony of real love and compassion for Jew and gentile.
I am literally sick at how readily main stream Christianity has accepted this new method of evangelization. Only the Jews are protesting what they see as a resurrection of anti-Semitism rising out of this unholy method of awakening Christian passion!
If I can make a personal prediction, I expect a run this Easter on men who will be publicly crucified in Catholic dominated countries. I will also predict that the God of the Bible will hold every Christian who gives money to these Hollywood manipulators as responsible for the real results that come out of this unholy method of Hollywood evangelization!
That Great and Dreadful Day
Mal 4:1-6
4:1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
Saturday - February 21, 2004
Ps 15:1
LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
The Jerusalem Connection
14:58 Feb 20, '04 / 28 Shevat 5764The Temple Mount and the Western Wall saw several Heaven-entreating events yesterday and last night, as the People of Israel continue to manifest the connection between their ages-old faith and the current political climate. At 4 PM Thursday, over 5,000 people participated in a Western Wall prayer rally for the nullification of the decree to give away Jewish Gaza and expel nearly 8,000 Jews from their homes. Leading the prayers were former Chief Rabbis Mordechai Eliyahu and Avraham Shapira.
Immediately afterwards, thousands of people took part in the now-traditional monthly March Around the Temple Mount Gates. Rabbi Eliyahu took part as well, for the first time. The participants at this increasingly-popular event express their desire and demand to enter and pray at the holy site by circling the Temple Mount, and stopping to recite a Psalm, sing, and play music at each of the gates.
Towards midnight, close to 1,000 people, led by Rabbi Yehuda Lyon of Netanya, crowded into the tunnel to the west of the Western Wall plaza for a night-long inspirational event in honor of the "Shovavim" repentance period. The participants recited a special series of Psalms (Tikkun), sang, heard words of Torah, and more.
P.A. Declares "Day Of Rage"
15:06 Feb 20, '04 / 28 Shevat 5764
In honor of the hearing at The Hague beginning this Monday, at which Israel will be put "on trial" for defending itself by building a wall between its citizens and neighboring terrorists, PA officials have announced that Monday will be a "Day of Rage" throughout Judea and Samaria. A siren will be sounded at noon in various PA-controlled cities and villages, followed by a one-hour warning strike. Protest activities will be held throughout the Palestinian Authority, and school children will take part in protest marches and other events. Israel's police and military have received special instructions, and will be closely monitoring the situation.
The Hague has announced that the hearing against Israel's counter-terrorism security barrier hearing will be transmitted live on the court's website at "http://www.icj-cij.org/".
Palestinian Health Minister Jawad Tibi came under fire from masked men from Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in Jenin on Tuesday as he visited for the opening of a new city hospital. Sources from the Palestinian Authority’s governing Fatah faction said the shooting was part of a power struggle between factions over control of international funding for development projects. Neither Tibi nor his colleague Mohammad Shtayyeh, director of the PA Economic Development Council were hurt in the shooting, but two bystanders were lightly wounded.
All these future political attempts at some kind of peace plan will all become meaningless when the God of the Bible demands the time has come to build Ezekiel's Temple on the Temple Mount! All efforts at giving the Islamic Arab Palestinians a heathen State of corruption and murder in the middle of the Holy Land will become useless when their rage overwhelms them at the mention of this coming mandate from God. No wall, no matter how big could ever prevent an Islamic invasion of Israel when the Jews obey the God of the Bible at His call to build! The Road Map according to the Bible is clear! The God of Moses is about to harden the hearts of Islam as He did the hearts of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. "Let My People Build" will be God's challenge not just to Islam, but the entire gentile world.
The Bible is clear that God has declared a Kingdom is coming to the Holy Land, at Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount! He is in the process of challenging all of mankind with His plan for the future of Israel! The choice is submit, or harden your heart! The God of the Bible has revealed in the Bible that His standards are absolute holiness and purity. It is far too high a standard for men to attain. Yet, God's standards will rule during the coming Kingdom Age. Mankind will be forced to submit to God's provision for sin if they want to survive. Ezekiel's Temple will have an altar where blood sacrifice will again be offered as was done in both the First and Second Temples. It will be done in remembrance of Calvary. It will be the only place sinful men can go when they fall short of God's
perfect standards. The Bible says Ezekiel's Temple will be administered by Jewish Priests. God plans to restore the Aaronic Priesthood once again. According to the Bible this coming Kingdom is Jewish through and through. The Biblical Christ will rule as the King of the Jews. In that day the Jews will acknowledge Him as their Messiah. Corrupted Christianity like the corrupted Palestinian State will have no part in what God is about to do in Israel!
All of mankind, both Jew and gentile, must submit to the God of the Bible, or they will be judged on the basis of their own hearts. All who can't repent because of a hard heart will perish. All who will refuse the blood shed at Calvary will be doomed! There is no other future according to the Bible!
The Holy Hill
Ps 99
99:1 The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved.
2 The LORD is great in Zion; and he is high above all the people.
3 Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy.
4 The king's strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob.
5 Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.
7 He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the ordinance that he gave them.
8 Thou answeredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.
9 Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy.
Sunday -- February 22, 2004
Ezek 38:11
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
Sunday 22nd February, 2004
Israel removing part of West Bank fence
Big News Network.com Sunday 22nd February, 2004
Israeli officials announced Saturday they will remove a section of the controversial security fence that has isolated a Palestinian town.
Workers will begin Sunday removing the section of fence that cuts off the town of Baka al-Sharkia from the rest of the West Bank, the Jerusalem Post reported. The action comes one day before a world court hearing on the legality of the divider.
Another barrier, to the west of the town, will remain in place. Israel will open a gate to allow passage to a sister town, Baka al-Gharbia, which is in Israel, the official said.
Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators are expected outside the International Court of Justice in The Hague when proceedings begin Monday.
Israel and the United States do not plan to officially attend the session.
Is prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes? I had always assumed that the words of Ezekiel meant that the Islamic invasion of Ezekiel 38 & 39 was going to come upon a Jewish nation lulled into a false feeling of security. I never contemplated a literal wall would be built, and then taken down. Only the unfolding of history will prove if the events of today are the very things Ezekiel was was making reference? I know for a surety that the invasion of Ezekiel 38 & 39 is a yet future event tied to the end of this present dispensation, and the beginning of the Kingdom era. I'm also sure that Biblical Christians should take note.
Coming Islamic Invasion
Ezek 38:3-9
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.
7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
Monday - February 23, 2004
Isa 4:3-4
3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:
4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
The rampart fell but the Temple Mount is safe
By Danny Rubinstein
Collapsed rampart backed by the Western Wall. Engineers warned 30 years ago that this could happen.
(Pierre Terdjman / Ba)
Any news about the Al-Aqsa Mosque is immediately highlighted in the Palestinian press. That's what happened last week with the collapse of part of the northern wall of the rampart that leads from the southern entrance of the Western Wall up to the Mograbi Gate.
The collapse took place a week ago, some time after midnight between Saturday and Sunday. Al Quds, the most widely circulated Palestinian newspaper, wrote in its main headline on Monday that "the collapse of part of the path in the Al Bureq area is a renewed warning of the danger of collapse to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Al Bureq was the Prophet Mohammed's magical horse, which Muslim tradition says Mohammed tied to the Western Wall. When the Muslims speak of Al-Aqsa Mosque they are actually referring to all the Temple Mount area. However, in this context it must be said that there was nothing about the rock slide on the rampart to the Mograbi Gate that had anything to do with the safety and security of the walls of the mount plaza and the stability of the buildings on the mount.
The rampart is narrow path built between the prayer plaza of the Western Wall and the archaeological digs that have been underway for many years by archaeologists Benjamin Mazar and Meir Ben David. The rampart was made after the Six-Day War in the wake of the demolition of the Mograbi (Moroccan) quarter, to make room for the plaza. Most of the Mograbi quarter belonged to the Waqf of Abu Medein, and a special gate led from the quarter into the Temple Mount above. In Arabic, there are two gates that carry the name Mograbi Gate. The first is the gate in the Turkish wall around the city, known as Dung Gate, through which one now reaches the Western Wall and the other is the gate in the wall of the mount itself, at the top of the rampart that fell.
After the neighborhood was demolished in 1967, a few remains were left, mostly buildings that abutted the wall and the Mograbi Gate. Some belonged to a well-known Muslim family, the Abu Sauds, who also were from Mograbi quarter. They are a very well-known family, not least because one of the daughters, Zahawa Abu Saud, was Yasser Arafat's mother. After she died in Cairo in 1933, three-year-old Yasser was sent for a while to Jerusalem to live in his grandparents' home in the Mograbi Quarter. To this day, whenever Arafat speaks of his childhood in Jerusalem he mentions the scenes he remembers of the Jews at the Wall. He also says that in the summer of 1967, he infiltrated the West Bank from Jordan, and one day went to Jerusalem to see the bulldozers bringing down the home of his childhood next to the wall.
The first and largest stage of demolition in the Mograbi Quarter was done very hastily, immediately at the end of the war, and it was followed by further stages in which the buildings near the gate were destroyed in 1968 and 1969. There were negotiations with the owners of the buildings near the gate for compensation, including the Abu Sauds and eventually, all the residential buildings and a souvenir shop were removed, so that all that remained was the rampart built on rubble and ancient remains, leading up to the Mograbi Gate entrance to the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa plaza.
The southern side of the rampart faces the archeological dig and is 17 meters high on that side. On the other side, looking north to the Wall, the rampart is nearly 10 meters high. Inside there are many empty spaces - cisterns, cellars, tunnels - all remnants of ancient buildings from the later Muslim period.
More than 30 years ago, engineers noted that the walls of the footpath up the rampart, which were used by tourist visitors to the plaza above, were not firm. The Mograbi Gate was the only one under complete Israeli control and was used by all the non-Muslims to reach the plaza. Masses of people, Israelis and foreign, have passed through it since 1967. Archaeologist Ben Dov says that at the end of the 1970s, he proposed to Aharon Sarig, then city manager of Jerusalem, and to the Wakf, the Muslim religious trust, that they buttress the walls of the rampart on the side facing the archaeological dig. Indeed, that buttress was built, in cooperation with the Waqf, which as worried about the condition of the wall in the area of the dig, because above it is the Islamic Museum and the Mograbi Mosque.
Near the southern corner of the Western Wall, in the archaeological dig area, is Robinson's Arch, a remnant of the entrance to the temple area in the days of Herod. Nearby there are some cracks and bulges in the wall, damage from the last major earthquake to hit the Holy Land, in 1927. The Waqf - with Israeli government help - has conducted over the years various repairs and rehabilitation of the area.
The Religious Affairs Ministry was responsible for the rampart that collapsed last week. Its people maintained two small rooms next to the Wall to serve as shelter for women worshipers when it rained. A small flight of iron stairs led to the rooms, which had a few chairs inside. The most important archaeological finding in that corner is a huge rock, at the lowest part of the Wall, which is partly exposed and partly hidden by the foundations of the rampart. The rock is the threshold of what the scholars refer to as Barclay Gate, named for the American missionary James T. Barclay, who noted it first, in 1848. It is the only gate that remains as it was in the days of Herod and scholars identify it with Kipponos Gate, mentioned in the Mishnah as the entrance for gentiles to the Temple Mount.
Through that gate, which is sealed, once can reach Al Aqsa plaza, by going down a few steps next to the wall, and reaching a small room where an ancient Muslim grave is located. In Arabic this place is known as Bab al Nebi, and it is the precise place, says Muslim tradition, where Mohammed tied up his horse Al Bureq.
In the days of Herod a path rose trough a tunnel from this room to the temple plaza. That's also how the southern Hulda gates were built, as the main entrances to the Temple Mount. They were like the tunnel-like entrances that lead to underground subways nowadays.
The Al-Aqsa plaza is believed to be about three meters lower than the original Temple Mount plaza, because of the destruction and the reconstruction that took place, and therefore any search for remnants of the actual temple will never yield direct results.
Last Tuesday, Tourism Minister Benny Elon visited the scene to examine the construction of the supports going up for the southern wall that fell.
The damage was almost certainly caused by the heavy rains and snow and possibly by the earthquake that took place a few days earlier. In any case, there is no connection between the landslide from the rampart, and the state of the walls and buildings of the Temple Mount.
I'm not so sure the walls of the Temple Mount are as safe as this author may think? I suspect at some point the Kotel (Wailing Wall) will be taken down. I'm always sad to see that the Jewish people of Israel have a wall between where they worship, and the Temple Mount where they should Biblically worship the God of their fathers. Some day that psychological and physical barrier must be removed. My personal feelings are just as the walls of Jericho had to come down so the Promised Land could be occupied and conquered by Joshua, so also must the Western Wall come down opening the way for the Jews to enter the Temple Mount. No wall must be allowed to separate the Jews from their God! The Temple Mount is the only Biblical site that God has approved for worship to be conducted by Jews whenever they were allowed sovereignty over the Holy Land. I doubt this Wailing Wall will be an object of sorrow when God's plan for the coming Kingdom is realized. The wall coming down opening the way to the Temple Mount for the building of Ezekiel's Temple will be a day of great joy. There will never be a need for the Jews of Israel to wail at the foot of the Temple again!
Dispensational change is what the God of the Bible is up to in the Holy Land. The only option left open is to submit or perish. Longsuffering is coming to an end as was always known would happen. Absolute purity and holiness must rule the Kingdom Age. The LORD of righteousness must use His rod of iron in demanding His standards be maintained. The Kingdom age will not suffer mankind to have an opinion about purity and holiness. It will be a time when perfect purity and holiness rules. Everything having to do with absolute holiness will be centered at the Temple Mount, and will radiate out from Ezekiel's Temple. The old walls which kept men from the holiness of God must come down. New walls protecting imperfect men from a holt God must be erected. Gates must be built which will allow men to enter for forgiveness from sin. Blood sacrifice must again be made prominent as the only way sin can be acceptably forgiven by a Holy God.
It is interesting that the ancient path whereby the gentiles could come to the Temple to observe the only worship of the God of the Bible that was authorized should be what collapsed this past week. A provision was supplied for gentiles to see the truth about blood sacrifice much as the unsaved today are invited to observe the Lord's Supper, but not allowed to partake. The next dispensation will have an altar where blood sacrifice will again be offered for sin, but this altar will be dedicated in remembrance of Calvary while the altars of the first and second Temples looked forward to that blessed event. It is sad that the Hollywood crowd who hate purity more then any other group should be prominent in presenting the Holy Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ for profit. The time for dispensational change, and return to Biblical holiness has arrived! Evangelical Christianity has found a different path of travel to holiness called Hollywood evangelism! An unholy alliance as ever could be concieved.
The Last Temple is Coming
Ps 2
2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Tuesday - February 24, 2004
Rev 3:16
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Payoff for 'Passion'
Churches buying out theaters for Gibson film, expecting audiences to pack their pews later
February 22, 2004
THE PRESS DEMOCRATSanta Rosa pastor Andy VomSteeg openly wept watching a special screening of "The Passion of the Christ" in Los Angeles, saying the film will not only pack theaters but church pews as people seek to know more about the life and death of Jesus.
Hollywood superstar Mel Gibson's controversial film depicting the final hours of Christ's life, which opens Wednesday in Sonoma County theaters, already is provoking deep debate, passionate discussion and religious posturing, discourse that is playing out across the nation.
The storm over the movie was the cover story of last week's Newsweek magazine, which explored the battle between those who think the film unfairly blames Jews for Jesus' death and those focused on the graphic portrayal of Jesus' agonizing crucifixion.
Jewish leaders in Sonoma County are taking a wait-and-see approach. But many Christian groups already are stating their opinion through ticket sales in advance of the opening this week.
"We already have 10 sold-out shows at the Airport Cinema and the movie doesn't open until Wednesday. There's tremendous interest," said Dan Tocchini, owner of the Airport and Roxy theaters in Santa Rosa.
"Churches are buying out a theater auditorium and then using it as a pulpit to talk about the movie," Tocchini said.
Even the small Rialto Cinemas Lakeside theater, known for its foreign films, has sold $6,800 worth of tickets for "The Passion of the Christ." Nationwide, $10 million in advance tickets have been sold.
"This is unheard of," said Ky Boyd, co-owner of the Rialto. He said what's puzzling is that the movie is rated R for its violence and bloodshed. And the dialog is in Latin and Aramaic, with English subtitles.
"The fact that it's getting this huge interest across the board is just amazing," Boyd said.
For Christians, the passion, which means "having suffered" in Latin, and the resurrection of Christ are the foundations of their faith.
The powerful yet disturbing $25 million film has been praised by religious leaders from Pope John Paul II to the Rev. Billy Graham, who said the film "is a lifetime of sermons in one movie."
VomSteeg also called it powerful and emotionally moving.
"I went into this thinking it's just Hollywood but when the movie ended the only thing you could hear was the weeping. I was among those moved to tears," he said, after joining 1,500 religious leaders at a Jan. 5 screening hosted by Gibson in Southern California.
VomSteeg, pastor of the New Vintage Church in Santa Rosa, believes the movie will make people want to know more about Jesus Christ, leading to a surge in Christianity. He is sending out 10,000 postcards this week inviting people who have questions after seeing the film to come to his church.
"Go see the movie in theaters, then join us to explore the claims," reads the postcard.
Other churches have scheduled discussion sessions to explore the movie's message, which goes to the roots of Christianity and the nature of the Christian faith.
"After seeing this movie people will be coming to church and we'd better be ready to answer their questions," VomSteeg said.
Sam Tillery, pastor of Santa Rosa's Foothills Community Church and president of the Pastors Prayer Fellowship, a group of 80 churches, said many ministers are encouraging their congregations to see and discuss the movie.
"We're united in the thrust of how we can work together to make the most of our people soaking it in," Tillery said.
The red flags always go up when religious blind passion rules the day. I know the anti-Semitism within a large portion of the Roman Catholic Church is already bulging out, especially in Europe. I know the presents of the Jews in the Holy Land destroys the Roman Catholic doctrine of replacement theology, and makes the Christ of the Pope who gave the Church this theology the look of a fool. Nothing is going to raise this blind passionate rage to burst out on the world more then this movie he is now releasing on the world. He knows he does not need to say a word (his father has already said it all) against the Jews to achieve the inevitable results. It is no wonder the Jews are skeptical of what the cost will be to them because of this release. Imagine the results should God give the mandate to build His last Jewish Temple, which the Bible is absolutely clear is coming, while Christian blind passion is at an all time high? Apostate Christianity will make Islamic passions look like a little thing as they release their hate on the spoilers of their long sought false theological ends. The battle is on for the Apostate Christian Kingdom, or the Biblical Jewish Kingdom!
I'm so saddened at how gullible the main stream Evangelical Church has been. They were so quickly sucked into following another Christ. The Christ of the Elmer Gantry type Charismatics has been acceptable to this hot nor cold Church for some forty years now. A generation has grown up with hardly a word of warning, but rather have witnessed cooperation. The Apostate Roman Catholic Church has been entwined in this movement from the beginning. Holiness has a new definition to this generation. It means Charismatic passion, and no longer purity. It is how you feel, not what is your testimony. The balance is shifting fast. The glory of God has been reduced to Mel Gibson's acting prowess. Forget about his personal testimony. What Biblical Church or organization would have him teach their children about his personal Christ? The holy testimony of those who represented the Lord Jesus Christ can now be brushed back with the new popularity of Hollywood Evangelism. Elmer Gantry step aside!
Evangelicals have followed the Christs of the Bakkers and Swaggarts. As each fell from grace they then flocked to the Christ of Benny Hinn and others. Pat Robertson's Christ who gives him phony words of knowledge is a favorite enduring Christ. The Apostate Roman Catholic Church was and remains intertwined among all these Christs. Now the Mel Gibson Christ is new on the scene for the gullible to flock toward with their support. Only the Jews are protesting with any strong voice of warning. They know more then this lukewarm Church what will be the end of The Passion.
I remember "I Found It." The first effort at this kind of mass evangelism. I challenge anyone to prove what I have to say is wrong! "I Found It" was the only evangelistic outreach where there was thorough follow up on the results. Bill Bright stopped seeking follow up records afterwards. No conservative Evangelical Church showed any growth other then their normal outreach produced. Only the Roman Catholic Church experience a surge in growth. I would challenge every pastor who compromises with the Mel Gibson Christ to keep the records! Let the real truth come out from those who will follow this Christ! I place before you a simple question. Is this Christ of Mel Gibson a false Christ??? Are you so pure you can outsmart, and use Satan to your own advantage?
Where are they?
The Mel Gibson Christ
Matt 24:23-27
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mark 13:21-23
21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Wednesday - February 25,2004
Matt 24:7-8
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Morocco Earthquake Toll Likely to Top 300
Feb 24, 8:58 AM (ET)
By ALI NAJIRABAT, Morocco (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck northern Morocco early Tuesday, toppling houses and killing at least 300 people, local authorities said. Many of the victims were women, children, and the elderly.
The quake shook rural areas near the Mediterranean city of Al Hoceima, and there was deep concern about three outlying villages - Ait Kamra, Tamassint and Imzourn - where 30,000 people live in mud structures unable to withstand such an earthquake.
The quake struck at 2:27 a.m. when most people would have been asleep.
"If we take into account the 140 people already killed in Al Kamra, we believe that the toll will rise to more than 300," a spokesman for village authorities told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the 6.5-magnitude quake was centered 100 miles northeast of Fez, about a mile below the Mediterranean Sea bed.
The death toll climbed steadily throughout the day as rescuers reached hard-hit areas. Military and civilian rescuers were dispatched to help survivors and search for victims trapped under rubble, while helicopters filled with emergency supplies were preparing for takeoff.
However, rescuers reported difficulties in reaching the affected area, located in the foothills of the Rif Mountains and served by bad roads.
A 4.1-magnitude aftershock hit near Al Hoceima at 11:04 a.m., according to the official MAP news agency. It quoted the geophysical laboratory of the National Scientific and Technical Research Center.
A physician at Mohammed V hospital in Al-Hoceima told French television station LCI that there were "many deaths and many injured."
"Most of the injured have broken bones," he said. "Houses collapsed. It was a very, very violent jolt."
Another physician at the hospital told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that hundreds of people were injured and that he expected the death toll to go to at least 200.
Al-Hoceima is the largest city in northern Morocco and is populated by Berbers. The region suffers from extreme poverty and underdevelopment and has been neglected by the government for decades following a rebellion in 1960.
The local economy is sustained by fishing and by farmers who grow cannabis.
U.S. Geological Survey spokesman Butch Kinerney said the earthquake's strength and depth could lead to damage along the coasts. He said the quake would likely be felt up to 200 miles away in Algeria.
The quake - which reverberated across the Strait of Gibraltar - was felt across much of southern Spain, but no damage or injuries were reported. News reports said it was most noticed in tall apartment blocks of southern Andalucia and southeast Murcia. The quake was also felt in the Spanish North African enclave of Melilla.
An unrelated temblor Monday evening shook the Alps region in southeast France. No injuries or damage were reported.
The last large earthquake to hit the area measured 6.0 and struck in 1994. But Morocco's deadliest earthquake was in 1960, when 15,000 people were killed after a devastating quake shook the southern city of Agadir and surrounding regions.
The last time a major earthquake battered North Africa was on May 21, 2003, when more than 2,200 people were killed and 10,000 injured after a temblor devastated northern Algeria.
Earthquakes and wars have been continuous ever since the Biblical Lord Jesus Christ uttered these words about the beginnings of the time of sorrows. The difference today is that these earthquakes, and wars are taking place when the Jews have taken back the sovereignty of the Holy Land for a third miraculous time. The words of Jesus were aimed at the Jews who lived in the Holy Land, and were put on hold for almost 2000 years. Today, they are resurrected because the Jews are back! These words have a literal application as never before.
The words of Ezekiel have a resurrected relevancy in light of the return of the Jews. All of North Africa received a wake up call with this latest earthquake. Ezekiel specifically narrows in on North Africa as being the Southern prong of a three pronged Islamic invasion of the Holy Land. The invasion of Ezekiel 38 & 39 becomes as if the words were just recently uttered now that the Jews are back.
The lukewarm Church of today has lost the drive to do the hard work of preaching the gospel message with a Biblical testimony. They turn to Mel Gibson to be their missionary. I personally know of a fundamental missionary family of 12 who ate peanut butter sandwiches for a month because it was the only food they had. They would not quit. They are still out on the mission field. Imagine how they and their fellow missionaries could use all the Christian money Mel Gibson will gain from his Hollywood movie? Christian money continues being siphoned off by Satan manipulating the gullible lukewarmers of this generation. Those who do the real job sorrow needlessly while the rich get richer. I might add while the foolish get even foolisher following the likes of Benny Hinn and the whole Charismatic crowd, or at minimum give the wink to all the hijinks.
Will Mel Gibson's movie drive one Christian from the
Apostate Roman Catholic Church? Every fundamental missionary has at least one testimony of a Roman Catholic who was saved, and has become the biggest critic of the Church that kept him blind to the truth. Will this movie drive one Christian from the Pat Robertson Christ who gives him those phony words of knowledge every day on the 700 Club program? The fundamental missionaries I know have all stood against this popular Charismatic movement that is destroying Biblical doctrine, and leading the way into a Christianity that is neither cold or hot.
The time is right for sorrows as the Biblical Christ looks upon the Laodicean Church of these last days of the Church Age. The words of Christ have never been so relevant as they are today. We begin to move from one dispensation to another. The time is right to read the words of Christ rather then go into the pornographer's dens of iniquity to watch another phony Hollywood Christ!
The Last Church of the Church Age
Rev 3:14-22
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Saturday - February 28, 2004
I'm back after a few days for eye surgery. I get three months of "wait and see" time so I'll be consistently around for a while again. Thanks for supporting my comments on the News and the Bible. I don't know why the daily page hits increase every time I'm gone? It certainly keeps me from getting too pompous. This web site is a word of mouth phenomenon, and I'm thankful for what ever you folks are doing?
Matt 28:19-20
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Study: Priests Accused of Abuse Since 1950
WASHINGTON — A panel of prominent Roman Catholics rebuked U.S. bishops Friday for failing to stop widespread clerical sex abuse over the last half-century, calling the leaders' performance "shameful to the church." The top American bishop pledged that the church's mistakes will never be repeated.
"The terrible history recorded here today is history," said Bishop Wilton Gregory (search), president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (search ).
The exchange came as the National Review Board, a lay watchdog panel formed by the bishops, issued two highly anticipated studies documenting the molestation problem from 1950 to 2002.
One report is the first church-sanctioned tally of abuse cases: It found there have been 10,667 abuse claims over those 52 years. More than 80 percent of the alleged victims were male and over half said they were between ages 11 and 14 when they were assaulted. ....
Victims' advocates immediately decried the figures as low. "Thousands of victims haven't reported and dozens of bishops aren't telling all they know," said David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (search ). "They have no incentive to."
The second review-board report examines the causes of the molestation crisis and puts much of the blame on American bishops for not cracking down on errant priests.
"This is a failing not simply on the part of the priests who sexually abused minors but also on the part of those bishops and other church leaders who did not act effectively to preclude that abuse in the first instance," the review board said.
"These leadership failings have been shameful to the church."
"How can we question a call from god?" is a quote I heard from one of the Bishops who approves men for the Roman Catholic Priesthood. The compromised criteria is abstinence not homosexuality. It is not a Biblical criteria for anything, and is the main reason why the Catholic Church has been so shamefully exposed. The entire society is now being asked to approve homosexual marriage. The end will be the same kind of shameful exposior that the Roman Catholics are now experiencing.
Dispensational change is about forcing Biblical righteousness onto planet earth. The Bible is clear homosexuality is willful sinful behavior, not genetic abnormality. There will be no place for homosexuals to hide when the God of the Bible judges. Eternal condemnation in the agony of hell is where everyone of these predators will find as their end when the only Holy God makes His decree. There will never be a place for this kind of behavior in the coming Kingdom!
The Passion movie has done an excellent job with exposing the Jewish priesthood for sin during the days when Christ walked on planet earth. The Bible says He is coming again! This time it is the Christian priesthood being exposed for having failed God. This time the mob is being manipulated by the Roman Catholic Christ to what end I do not know? Thousands and thousands of Evangelical pastors bought into the lie that this movie portrays only the Biblical account. I'm told there is a serpent in the form of Satan lingering around the scene. Where is that in the Bible? I'm also told there are Roman Catholic gargoyle type creatures running around. Where is that in the Bible? I'm told all the "good" woman are dressed like Catholic nuns. Where is that in the Bible? It was a lie
promoted by the prince of lies for the gullible Evangelical priesthood. It is by the subtle lies that most of Christianity has become blind. Pastors want an easy way to do the hard work of teaching. They are willing to make unholy alliances with the homosexuality/pornography capital rather then doing the hard work of righteous teaching and living. The Bible tells us to be separated from the world unto holiness. The reason is because we are not smart enough to out manipulate Satan. The Jewish priesthood thought it could, the Roman Catholic priesthood thought it could, and now the Evangelicals think they can? Compromise has never worked before, and it will not work with "The Passion" either.
It is a corrupted Christianity that will be lifted out at the rapture. A shameful removal so God can establish Biblical righteousness on planet earth with His chosen people. The time is right. The Roman Catholic Christ of "The Passion" may be the proof? How can we discern the Biblical Christ from the false Christs? "How can we question a call from god?"
How Many Righteous Mainstream Evangelicals?
Gen 18:20-33
20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.
22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
24 Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
28 Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
29 And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.
30 And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
31 And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake.
32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
33 And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.
Sunday - February 29, 2004
Ezek 43:7
7 And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.
Israel Storms Mosque Complex in Jerusalem
Sonja Pace
27 Feb 2004, 13:29 UTC
Israeli police stormed a mosque complex in Jerusalem's Old City Friday to disperse hundreds of stone-throwing Muslim demonstrators. There are reports that several demonstrators and police officers were slightly injured.
The violence broke out after Friday prayers at the hilltop Haram al-Sharif complex inside the walls of Jerusalem's Old City.
Israeli police in full riot gear stormed the compound, and used stun grenades to disperse the crowds. A police spokesman said the action was taken after hundreds of Muslim worshippers began rioting and throwing stones.
The area has been the scene of periodic clashes. It was there that the current round of Israeli-Palestinian violence broke out over three years ago.
Friday's clashes in Jerusalem follow a week of Palestinian protests against the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank. Two Palestinian demonstrators were killed in one such protest on Thursday. Anti-barrier protests continued on Friday.
Israel says the barrier is needed to keep out suicide bombers and prevent terrorist attacks, but Palestinians say it's an Israeli ploy to confiscate more Palestinian land.
This past week, the International Court of Justice in The Hague held three days of hearings on the legality of the barrier. The Court's findings, which are non-binding, are not expected for several months.
The Temple Mount makes the headlines once more as the God of the Bible forces His will on planet earth. It is God who miraculously brought the Jews back to the Holy Land this third time. It is God who hardens the hearts of the Islamic Arab Palestinians so the whole world can witness the truth of their wickedness. God is determined to usher in the Kingdom dispensation, which will culminate in the building of the last Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. The Islamic Arab Palestinians have taken the lead in opposing God's plan. They have turned themselves into the lowest form of animalistic behavior in order to resist the irresistible. Their hearts have hardened to their own destruction rather then yield to God's eternal plan. It is the Temple Mount that is center to the conflict. It is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ that the last Jewish Temple represents. It is the Bible, or the Koran that is at stake in the final disposition of the Temple Mount.
The battle is only beginning. Soon, it will envelop the entire planet. Mankind is being forced to reveal what is really in the heart. Is it so hardened it will never submit to the God of the Bible, and His single provision for sin through the Lord Jesus Christ? The choice like salvation is very simple, but the hardness of the human heart is very great. The final sin is resisting God to the end. The end is in the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself so your sin could be cleansed. To reject this greatest gift given freely through love to any who will ask is the greatest revelation of a hardened heart that could ever be demonstrated.
This Temple Mount is the stumbling block placed before this generation by God Himself. Ezekiel's Temple is the end intended. Only Ezekiel's Temple has a throne! It is there that the Jewish Messiah/King shall sit administering His Kingdom. Ezekiel's Temple will also have an altar where blood sacrifice will be accepted in remembrance of Calvary. Jewish priests are clearly designated as the ones who will minister. Only the single sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Biblical solution for sin, and not just Islam must submit to this truth. The entire world must also choose throughout the coming millennium to either receive, or reject His sacrifice of blood.
Ezekiel's Temple
Ezek 40:1-10
40:1 In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thither.
2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.
3 And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.
4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.
5 And behold a wall on the outside of the house round about, and in the man's hand a measuring reed of six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed.
6 Then came he unto the gate which looketh toward the east, and went up the stairs thereof, and measured the threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad; and the other threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad.
7 And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed.
8 He measured also the porch of the gate within, one reed.
9 Then measured he the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward.
10 And the little chambers of the gate eastward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the posts had one measure on this side and on that side. ......
Ezek 43:18-21
18 And he said unto me, Son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt offerings thereon, and to sprinkle blood thereon.
19 And thou shalt give to the priests the Levites that be of the seed of Zadok, which approach unto me, to minister unto me, saith the Lord GOD, a young bullock for a sin offering.
20 And thou shalt take of the blood thereof, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the settle, and upon the border round about: thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it.
21 Thou shalt take the bullock also of the sin offering, and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the house, without the sanctuary.
Rev 11:1-4
11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
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