April - 2008
Tuesday - April 1, 2008
Vatican: Islam World's Largest Religious Denomination
IsraelNN.com) The Vatican, world headquarters for the Catholic sect, has published figures naming Islam the most widespread religious denomination in the world. According to official Vatican figures for 2006, Islamic adherents now outnumber Catholics, with 1.3 billion Muslims comprising 19.2 percent of the global population; Catholics represent 17.4 percent, with over 1.1 billion followers. Some 6.5 billion people worldwide – about one-third of the world's population – claim some kind of Christian affiliation.
The figures, which appear in the Vatican's latest yearbook, were reported in weekend editions of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.
The increase of Islam indicates the power the sword has as multiple populations are faced with conversion to Islam, or death. It is not intellectual accent that is driving Islam for the entire religion is based on a lie. Now, I know there is a mass of people who demand they be told the lie. They choose the lie over the truth. They will never turn to Christ. They will never submit to a Jewish King. These are the Islamic barbarians who are the blight of this present generation much as the Nazis were of the last generation. They relish hate. They can't exist without an inherent hatred for the Jew. I have a 16 minute video where a little 3 year old Moslem girl exhibits her great hate for the Jew calling them apes and pigs. They are already to her subhuman, and worthy only of death. On the same tape a Moslem cleric screams to the crowd that burning them to death is not enough for Allah, and he will put skin on them again so they can be tortured over and over again. Dieing once at the hands of Allah is not enough. Only never ending torturous physical death satisfies this god of the barbarians. What Islam sows is what it is about to reap according to the Bible. I believe Ezekiel 39 takes place at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. It is the end of Islam after Islam invades the Holy Land in Ezekiel 38. The Jews will then be free to build the last Holy Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.
Roman Catholics vying with Islam for the leading denominational honors will be next to feel the wrath of God. It happens after the rapture of born again Christians. The Catholic Church will remain behind virtually unscathed. The masses of Catholicism will finally have their opportunity to lead Apostate Christianity, and they will also demand to hear only the lie. They will be led right to the antichrist who will repay their loyalty with a stab in the back. Apostate Christianity is going to hate the Jews, and their soon coming Messiah to whom they will dedicate the last Holy Jewish Temple. The apostate gentile christ will hate the Biblical Jewish Christ, and the antichrist's move into the Holy Land will be applauded at the mid point of the Great Tribulation. Instead of destroying the Temple, he will usurp the throne set there for the coming Jewish King, and declare himself god incarnate. All Roman Catholics will be forced to worship him as god, or die by the sword (remember Shad rack, Meshack, and Abendigo). Their choice will be simple. They will simply replace the greater lie of the antichrist with the lesser lie of Catholic tradition, and continue to reject the Biblical Jewish Christ.
Friend, the future is not in religion. Religion changes (remember meatless Fridays)! Christ called the religionists of His day hypocrites. The future is in the unchanging Bible! The future is in the perfect Biblical Savior the LORD Jesus Christ! Only in Him can the lost sinner find perfect redemption. He paid the penalty for sin at Calvary where He was presented to the Holy God of the Bible as the perfect atonement for sin. The resurrection proved the acceptability of His sacrifice. He was victorious over sin and death. Friend, He is waiting for you to come to Him for the cleansing of all your sin. Please, please do not reject this Christ of the Bible. Come to Him, and live!
Isaiah 25:8-9
He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.9
And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.
Matthew 12:18-21
Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.19
He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.20
A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.21
And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.
1 Corinthians 15:52-57
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.53
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.54
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.55
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?56
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.57
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 15:2-3
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.3
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Friday - April 4, 2008
Hizbullah may use third party to attack Israel
The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee was informed on Tuesday by Israeli intelligence officers that Hizbullah possibly could attack northern Israel by using a third-party paramilitary group. "We clearly identify a great deal of activity among Hizbullah… It is growing stronger on all levels, improving its systems, its units and is receiving a great deal of weapons and missiles for medium and long distances. Hizbullah is readying itself for an escalation that may break out in the North as a result of an operation against Israel. We are not discounting any possibility - there are assessments that they may carry out an operation in the North through another organization," the officers told the committee. Hizbullah also “is operating in southern Lebanon, mostly in villages, in secret and in civilian garb,” said the officers. On a tour of the northern border on Tuesday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned, "I would not recommend that any one from the other side of the border test us."
The religion of lies takes another step forward. Hezbollah was established as a way for the Islamic Iranians to torture the Jews with their rockets, and then claim through the lie that the world community can't hold them responsible. It was Hezbollah! Where the lie works is what the Islamic Hezbollah is now now putting into practice. The "who me" Islamic game of lies is taking another step forward. It is the lies that the world community wants to hear so the blame will always be the Jews! The world wants to hear the lie that there is no Islamic plot to wipe out the Jews of Israel, but rather the problem in the Holy Land is the oppression of Palestinian Arabs who as independent small groups of freedom fighters are waging a heroic fight against the Jewish occupation. The lie only works as the world is willing to accept it in place of the well known truth that Islam wants to destroy the Jews of Israel irregardless of reason.
Friend, there is another well known truth, and that is that Jesus Christ is the Biblical Savior. He paid the price for sin with His own precious blood shed at Calvary. He died as the perfect sacrifice for sin so you dear friend can live! This is a well known truth right from the pages of the Bible. Now I ask, what lie are you holding to that has kept you from coming to this wonderful Savior? Ate you born again? Have you been washed in the sin cleansing blood of Christ? What lie is keeping you from coming to this Christ of the Bible right now? Friend, the lies are never going to work as an excuse. Come to Christ, and live.
Matthew 10:38-40
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.40
He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
Monday - April 7, 2008
Attacks in Judea, Samaria Continue
(IsraelNN.com) Attacks on Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria continued on Friday afternoon. An Arab man driving a stolen car crashed into a car driven by a Jewish woman from the town of Naaleh. The woman was not hurt. The driver fled the scene. Police are pursuing the driver, who they say may have caused the crash on purpose.
Arabs attacked Israeli vehicles with stones on Friday afternoon near the village of El Arub. Vehicles were damaged, but no injuries were reported.
These seem rather mild incidents, but represent what Israel gained by going along with the salvation plan for the Road Map by giving Abbas a base of operation in Judah and Samaria after he was expelled from Gaza. Israel gained only bolder insurrection by the Arabs of Judah and Samaria. They look forward to the day when instead of rocks they can throw hand grenades, and stolen cars can be replaced with rockets packed with ball bearings. Jewish woman and their children remain the primary target of these Islamic barbarians. The fight before the world is to force the Jews to drop their guard in Judah and Samaria. The barbarians can't supply the Arabs of Judah and Samaria hand grenades and rockets as long as Israeli troops guard all the major intersections. The free flow of Palestinian citizens is the catch phrase for the inflow of arms into Judah and Samaria. Maybe not so surprisingly the Bush administration is putting full pressure on the Olmert government to comply. Condi Rice has been pouting over the foot dragging by a reluctant Israel to conform to the Road Map doctrine in this latest effort to push the Jews down the Road to Hell. She has gotten her way, and road blocks are being dismantled this very minute.
Ten Checkpoints Removed as Goodwill, PA and Rice Not Satisfied
by Ezra HaLevi
(IsraelNN.com) The IDF, on orders from the Olmert government, removed 10 manned checkpoints in the Binyamin region and Samaria Thursday evening. The roadblocks were taken down near Ramallah, Shechem, Tal Karem and Kalkilya.
Officials explained that the roadblocks were removed as part of a series of “goodwill gestures” to the Palestinian Authority.
Folks, I pray you can see just how foolish the politicians of this generation have become. It is beyond reason that anyone would believe the Road Map will lead to peace. The rockets raining down on the Jewish civilians from Gaza are only going to start raining down from Judah and Samaria if the Road Map continues. Sadly, the Road Map will not end with the Bush administration! The Road Map is the gentile plan which all the gentile nations subscribe. The incoming President no matter who can be expected to want good relations with the world community even if it is at the expense of the Jews. The world has accepted the philosophy that sacrificing a few Jewish civilians to the blood thirst of the Islamic barbarians is a reasonable price to pay for the Road Map peace plan. The problem is that the barbarians only increase in their blood lusts with every successful kill, and they do not limit themselves to Jews only. The world is playing a dangerous game by giving into these Islamic barbarians. The Jews are already realizing how they have been duped under the auspices of peace. Every year of the Road Map is worse then the year before. Soon, the Islamic barbarians will lust after higher numbers of dead Jews. They will turn the Holy Land into a Jewish killing field with rockets raining down from Lebanon, Gaza, Judah, and Samaria. Jerusalem will become a city of death, and the Temple Mount will be a storage depot for all the latest terror weapons protected by world religious exemption. A fifth column forever torture of the Jews is the best the Road Map can do for now, and the entire extermination of all the Jews living in the Holy Land will be where it goes if the politicians have their way. The gentile nations of this generation are ready to sacrifice the Jews. The liberal Olmert government has already been sacrificing the conservative Independent Fundamental Jewish Settlers of Sderot for years, and are now telling the liberal Jews of Ashkelon that it is now their turn to be added to the ever expanding Road Map sacrificial list.
Jewish history is filled with political Jews who sold out their brothers to the gentile powers. Josephus the great Jewish historian who recorded the destruction of the Second Temple was a turn coat. He sided with Rome the leading gentile power of his day much as Olmert is siding with the US. Josephus thought it foolish to turn to God in the face of such an overwhelming powerhouse as Rome. Folks, I tell you the day is coming when Israel must stand alone! I also tell you that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can keep them safe even from the overwhelming force of the United States. The Bible says all the gentile nations are soon to turn on Israel, but it is little Israel that will be victorious. The Jews will stand with their coming King, and all power on earth will not be enough to stop the coming Jewish Kingdom.
Friend, where do you stand? Have you come to this Christ of the Bible who is coming again as tye KING of kings, or do you just ignore His call? Friend, judgment is coming with Christ, and the day is coming when it will be too late. Come to Christ, and live.
Zechariah 8:2-3
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury.3
Thus saith the Lord; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the Lord of hosts the holy mountain.
Zechariah 8:7-9
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country;8
And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.9
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the Lord of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.
Zechariah 8:13
And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.
Tuesday - April 8, 2008
Judge Rules Paschal Sacrifice Practice "Proper," Appeal Filed
by Ezra HaLevi
(IsraelNN.com) The Jerusalem Magistrate's court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement may, under state law, slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice. The judge even called the effort "proper," but organizers have been summoned to appear at 1 PM in the District Court after an animal rights groups filed another last-minute suit.
The slaughter is planned as part of a conference dedicated to studying and restoring the Jewish observance of the Korban Pesach, as it was called since it was first observed in Egypt. At the time of the Exodus, Jews slaughtered a sheep per family group, despite its status as a deity to the Egyptian oppressors. The blood was then applied to the doorposts of the Jewish homes.
Animal rights group "Tnoo Lachayot Lichyot" ("Let the Animals Live") had argued that the planned slaughter constituted illegal cruelty to an animal.
Although the slaughter will be identical to any correctly-performed kosher slaughter, and the animal consumed in a manner resembling the popular Israeli pastime - the mangal (barbecue) - the animal rights group compared it to dog-fighting and other spectator events performed at the expense of animals' pain.
In her ruling, judge Hagit Mac-Kalmanovich said, “I was not convinced by the argument that the given event would cause the animal more pain and suffering than the accepted methods of slaughter in slaughterhouses.”
She rejected the group’s comparison of the planned slaughter to illegal fights between animals, pointing out that only one animal was involved, and that it would not be harmed in any way prior to the actual slaughter. The event must be allowed under laws protecting freedom of religion, she concluded.
The conference is taking place from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Yeshivat HaKotel, in the Old City of Jerusalem, overlooking the Temple Mount.
Organizers Summoned Once Conference Underway
A Tnoo Lachayot Lichyot official by the name of Yonatan arrived at Yeshivat HaKotel at around 10:15, once the conference was underway. He was accompanied by a police officer and Border Police soldier with his weapon drawn.A summons was delivered to the organizers to appear for a 1 PM hearing on whether the slaughter will be permitted.
Arutz-7 asked Yonatan whether the suit was aimed at thwarting the planned educational program. "The main thing is that this circus not take place. They have no business having people gather around and watch as this barbaric act is perpetrated."
Asked how the event differed from any slaughter of animals by individual shochets (kosher slaughter experts), aside from the fact that the meat is going to feed the hungry, the animal rights group representative said, "I'm not interested in explaining right now, come to the court at 1 PM and see."
This is one step closer for the Jews of Israel toward realizing that atonement for sin was accomplished at Calvary, and it was their Messiah who was the perfect sacrifice for all sin. The animal rights folks along with the masses do not want to be reminded of the price paid to redeem those lost in sin. It is a terrible thing to contemplate the death of an innocent animal. It is one thing to kill an animal for food, but quite another to kill it for sacrifice. The emphasis in the eyes of God was not that He was providing a bar-b-que, but that sin was being atoned. The wages of sin is death, and that is the highest of all penalties. Today, sin is so neutralized that no one really cares. Even big sins like Bill Clinton have been reduced to him just being a good old boy. No one really cares, and he goes on in politics as if there is nothing to feel guilty about. He certainly does not seem to care what the price was to cleanse him of that sinful act. His only remorse throughout the entire episode was that he was exposed. He was willing to stab everyone in the back who found out about his affair, and except for the dress he would have succeeded. The price of forgiveness is something the sinner does not want to confront. The cry of agony as the life blood flows onto the ground, and the body jerks in the final throws of death. No, it is not pleasant to face the reality of what the innocent Christ went through in order for sin to be atoned.
The Jews more then any other peoples on earth are about to be confronted with the real cost for sin atonement. Sin is not going to be a little insignificant thing once the sacrificial system is restored in the coming Jewish Temple. There will be no such thing as a little sin anymore much less a flagrant big sin like Bill Clinton represents. The true Biblical concept of sin will be there for all to experience as they witness the sacrificial system back in operation. In former Temples the sacrifice looked forward to Calvary, but in the coming Temple all sacrifice will be looking back in remembrance of Calvary. Sin, which has lost it's significant detestable position in our watered down society will be brought back to the serious consequences it carries both that which has been atoned, and that which has been un-atoned by the sinner's refusal to come for cleansing to Christ. All sin not covered by blood faces judgment as the very first Passover demonstrated. Death was the penalty in every home not covered with the innocent Passover blood brushed on the lintels.
Friend, are your sins covered with the blood of Christ? Have the lintels of your heart been brushed with the only thing powerful enough to remove sin? Have you come to Christ to have all your sin forgiven? Friend, it will be judgment and death if you are not washed clean. Perfect atonement can be yours if you will only cfome to this Christ of the Bible who made the only perfect acceptable sacrifice for sin. Mohammed never made such a claim. nor did any other head of religion. Only the Biblical Christ calls for the sinner to come for cleansing.
Exodus 29:36
And thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for atonement: and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou hast made an atonement for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify it.
Romans 5:11
And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
Thursday - April 10, 2008
New Messianic Jewish center in Jerusalem drawing angry protests
Jerusalem planning authorities have approved the renovation of a house in the capital's secular Rehavia neighborhood to serve as a worship and activity center for the Messianic Jewish organization Netiviah, but some religious elements have vowed to stop the building project even if it means rioting or appealing the High Court of Justice. "This center will be erected over our dead bodies," declared one opponent of the project. Another threatened “an all-out war” if the renovations start as planned. “We don’t care if a mosque or a church [is] built here, but we won't tolerate the presence of missionary Messianic Jews," he said, reported Ynetnews. Pastor Joseph Shulam responded that while the threats from ultra-Orthodox activists were nothing new, he insisted his group had conducted charitable activities in the neighborhood for years and had been welcomed by local residents until outside haredi elements began inciting against his ministry. "Throughout the years we have operated in the neighborhood, everybody knew what we were doing... All we do is help Jews by opening soup kitchens, giving alms, nothing more."
The Islamic clerics are on record as saying it will be over their dead bodies that a Jewish King would ever rule from the Temple Mount, and now the Orthodox Jews have joined in the chorus saying it will be over their dead bodies that the New Testament Jewish Messiah should ever be allowed even a toehold in Jerusalem much less anywhere else in the Holy Land. I pray you can see the violent opposition to the return of the LORD Jesus Christ is coming from all quarters. Folks, the more God forces His will on this generation the harder hearts will become. I tell you true as we approach the return of Christ the masses of both Jew and gentile will be crying over my dead body. Only a remnant of any generation have ever come willingly to the God of the Bible. In the days of Noah it was only eight. The masses of Noah's generation were disposed, and God started over again with just a faithful few. We are like Noah's generation today. The masses who will be crying out over my dead body are about to find God is not impressed with numbers. He is more then able to dispose of all who would oppose Him in their sin. Another generation is about to bite the dust.
The next event connected with the return of the Jews in this miraculous Third Exodus of our generation will be the separation of all the faithful remnant within Apostate Christianity. God is going to call us home! The masses of apostates will be left behind, and they are going to hate the Jews who will repent coming to the Christ of the Bible as their personal Messiah at that point in time. It will be upon this foundation that God will build the next dispensation. All who say in that day over my dead body will find it a self fulfilling prophecy. Apostate Christianity will hold to a gentile false christ, and hate the Jewish Christ as much as the Islamic barbarians do today.
144,000 Jewish evangelists is what the old Church Age theology would dictate at this point, but folks this will be a new dispensation. The Church Age ends at the rapture. All that these 144,000 Jews have to do is stay right there in Israel, and follow the two olive trees God will send as He did in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. Another Joshua and Zerubbabel who will oversee the construction, and supervise acceptable holy worship in the coming Jewish Temple. No greater testimony to Christ could be made, no greater evangelistic project could be mounted, then the construction of Ezekiel's Temple on the Temple Mount. The Temple with a throne ( Ezek 43:7 ) for the coming King of glory. The days of evangelizing the planet with the gospel are ended. The days of the planet coming to it's only King of glory will begin. The Kingdom Age will not be a repeat of the Church Age.
Friend, today is still the era of the sinner coming to Christ as a result of hearing the gospel. Jesus Christ fulfilled all Old Testament prophecies concerning the first coming of the Messiah. We are moving into the next era the Bible calls the Kingdom Age where Christ is going to rule. It is always Christ. He died at Calvary as the perfect, and only acceptable sacrifice for sin. He is willing to be your Savior, but you must invite Him into your heart. He will not force His grace upon anyone, but anyone can come. There is no sin greater then what His blood can't cleanse. Friend, won't you come to Christ, and live!
Isaiah 53:3-6
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.4
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.5
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Matthew 2:2
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
Matthew 27:37
And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Psalms 24:7-10
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.8
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.9
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.10
Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
Friday - April 11, 2008
Report: Western Wall Too 'Controversial' For Bush Visit
by Ezra HaLevi
(IsraelNN.com) The Western Wall has been deemed too controversial a place for US President George W. Bush to visit. He is opting instead for Masada – where Jewish rebels committed mass suicide.
Bush will be visiting Israel as part of Israel’s 60th Independence Day celebrations. His visit will be 60 hours long. In addition to addressing the Knesset, Bush is reportedly searching for a symbolic location to visit, with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as his tour guide.
Haaretz reported that Bush’s aids were leaning toward the Masada fortress. The site was where Jews held out against the Roman army, but were eventually beaten and committed suicide rather than face the humiliation and torture of captivity. Haaretz mentioned the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron, the Golan Heights and the Western Wall, explicitly, as places deemed too controversial for Bush to visit.
The Western Wall, also called the Kotel ("wall" in Hebrew) or Wailing Wall, is the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site. The mount itself is occupied by two Muslim structures and Jewish worship there is severely restricted. The Western Wall is highly symbolic as it has been the focal point of Jewish worship in the most recent return to Zion. It was approachable via a small alleyway prior to the War of Independence, was off-limits to Jews under Jordanian rule following the 1949 armistice and was liberated in the 1967 Six Day War. Among the most famous photos in Israel's history is that of IDF paratroopers looking up at the wall with awe following their participation in the battle for the Old City. Shortly after the victory, Israel bulldozed the area around the wall, creating a huge prayer plaza.
Muslims have recently been staking a claim not only to the Temple Mount, but to the Western Wall as well. They call it Al-Burak and say the religion's founder, Mohammad, tied his horse there during a midnight journey that took him to "the farthest mosque" - which they say is a reference to the Jerusalem mosque later given that name.
The Bushes also want to witness the Biblical prophecy of the ingathering of the exiles first-hand. White House staffers report that the Bushes are looking to meet with recent olim (Jewish immigrants to Israel) during the visit.
Bush will not be visiting Palestinian Authority-controlled areas or meeting with PA officials during his visit to Israel, but will hold a meeting with Fatah chief and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Egypt afterward.
Media analyst Dr. Aaron Lerner of Israel Media Research and Analysis says that the phenomenon of Bush steering clear of the Western Wall does not bode well and belies statements by Israeli officials’ claiming an improved relationship with the US due to Israel’s willingness to make repeated concessions to Fatah. “Things are so screwed up that while the Pope can visit the Western Wall in what was clearly the "Israeli" portion of his visit, President Bush can't make the same photo op as part of his historic trip marking Israel's 60th anniversary,” Lerner opined. “And now an example of the incredible lack of thinking on the part of whoever is working on this trip: instead of visiting places associated with Israel's rebirth or ancient life - the idea is a photo op at a place remembered in history for the group of Jews who committed suicide rather than fall captive to the Romans.”
Dr. Lerner concluded, with tongue-in-cheek: “Then again. How appropriate. PM Olmert, who critics warn is following a suicidal path with the Palestinians, will visit Masada with Bush.”
It really doesn't matter what kind of respect, or lack thereof is given by the leader of the gentile nations. The times of the gentiles is coming to a close. The Church Age ends only 7 short years before gentile rule ends according to the Bible. President Bush in our generation represents not only the head of the gentiles as did Nebuchadnezzar of old, but he also represents today's Evangelicals. In both those rolls he proves why this is the generation God has chosen to force dispensational change on the planet. Doing the politically correct (man centered) thing takes full precedents over doing the righteous thing. The God of the Bible is reclaiming the Holy Land for Himself, and giving the stewardship to His chosen people once again (like it or not Olmert). This has happened in our generation! Islam denies the God of the Bible preferring the Arabic blasphemer Allah, and are going to stand in the way unto their death. Islam has raised a generation on hate against God's chosen People, and today's terrorism is the result. Evangelical lukewarm Christianity replaced the old fundamental movement of yesteryear, and now it also stands in the way of dispensational change, that the old fundamentalists saw coming, by condoning the Road Map of our Evangelical President. We should be looking for ways to remove the Islamic barbarians from Judah and Samaria not the Independent Fundamental Jewish Settlers as the Road Map intends. We should be clearing the way for the return of the LORD Jesus Christ as the coming King of the Jews not placing the one culture that hates Him the most in the very place where He said He would come again. Islam is out to deny the Jews anything even their holiest shrine the Western Wall. Islam rewrites history whenever it wants because it is a religion based on lies. The world just goes along. The Arabian Nights fairytale of Mohammed tying his flying horse to the Western Wall which has only recently been invented is enough for our Evangelical President to say they have a point, and so I will not visit the site in deference to this prevailing belief even when all the archaeology of the place proves it Jewish through and through. The truth go out the window. God's honor go out with it. All to enforce this Islamic fairytale that should be laughed at as well as those who would force their will upon us all with such a flagrant lie. We did not believe the lie of the master race of the last generation, and we should be standing up to the lies of Islam in our generation. The entire Temple Mount belongs to the Jews.
It is at the Western Wall where an Evangelical President should stand and say "tear down this wall" to both Islam, and the liberal politically correct secular Jews of today. He should say the Temple Mount must be liberated in preparation for the second coming of Christ. The wall that separates the Jew from his God must be removed. Folks, I know that is never going to happen, but it should.
What kind of wall have you put up between yourself, and God? Why are you not born again? The Western Wall represents a wall of the secular Jew's own making. They stand there pounding their foreheads in prayer day after day to a god of their own making. A god of tradition that takes precedents over the God of the Bible. God is going to tear down that wall for the Jew, but dear friend it is up to you in these last days of the Church Age to realize that Christ has removed all barriers between you and salivation. You can come to Him right now, and be saved. We are not talking phony baloney Christianity here. We are talking heart wrenching confession of sin to the only Savior who shed His blood at Calvary for the atonement of sin. He is coming again, and He is coming for His own. The rebel masses will find only His wrath, but the born again will spend all eternity clothed in His love. Friend, the decision is up to you. Come to Christ, and live!
Ephesians 2:14
For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
Hebrews 11:30
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.
Saturday - April 12, 2008
Hamas ‘determined’ to blow up Rafah border Explosives found along border fence
According to a top Israeli defense official on Wednesday, Hamas is resolute in carrying out its threat to violently demolish the Gaza border along Egypt in the near future.
Thousands of Egyptian soldiers have been put on high alert all around the Rafah crossing following Hamas’ warning that it would breach the wall with mines. In a response to the Hamas threats, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said that anyone who endeavors to “infringe upon the Egyptian borders will be met with a serious and firm position.”
Hamas blew a dozen holes in the border wall on January 23, allowing some 500,000 Palestinians to temporarily enter Sinai to buy up food and supplies, which were running short in Gaza due to an Israeli blockade aimed at stopping Kassam rocket attacks on the western Negev. Israeli security officials said that Hamas also transported explosive devices and arms by the truckloads into Gaza while the wall was breached, and Egypt arrested several hundred armed Palestinians hiding out in Sinai.
The Israeli defense official said that Hamas may have intended to breach the border on Thursday, but likely put off their plans after the Nahal Oz fuel terminal attack that killed two Israelis on Wednesday.
There is such a back up of Iranian arms at the Egyptian boarder that Hamas is being forced to challenge the Egyptian government to acquiesce to the flow, or go to war. Hamas is pushing for an open boarder with Egypt because it has become a bottle neck in the flow of rockets built in Iran to be used to indiscriminately kill Jews. It is not just rockets flowing into Gaza, but military arms of all types such as rifles, hand held rocket fired grenades, land mines, etc.. Iran must be planning through Hamas to turn the Arab Palestinians into an Islamic army. The coming Islamic invasion of Israel that Ezekiel 38 & 39 reveals may be closer then even I am expecting. Iran is a major player in the Ezekiel account. The Persians of Iran can be expected to use the Arabs of Palestine as fodder in the soon coming Invasion of Israel. The Palestinian Arabs are looked upon as dogs in the Islamic world because they left the Jews get a foothold in the Holy Land, and now live in a strained relationship with the Jews. But, it is a relationship. Iran contends that if they had to be the neighbors with Jews they would immediately wipe them out. The Palestinian Arabs are dogs for having had such a long though strained relationship with the Jews. Iran through Hamas is willing to sacrifice the dogs of Palestine, and through Hezbollah the similar Lebanese Arab dogs to the praise of Allah. The Jordanians and Egyptians do not fair much better in the eyes of Allah. A boarder war with Egypt would be no surprise. What is amazing is that when Ezekiel lays out the invading Islamic forces that will come against Israel that Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan are not included. It just could be the present Arab dogs of the Islamic world are excluded from the invasion plans. The hate against Jews in Islam is of this intensity that they are biting their own tail. Compromise with a Jewish State is absolutely out of the question, and it is time we wake up to reality.
Friend, it is time for you to wake up to reality if you have never come to the Christ of the Bible with all your heart, soul, and might. You are going to have to account for your sins without an advocate. You will stand before a Holy God alone! Worthless excuses is all you will have to offer. Satan wants to use you as fodder. He pretends he is your friend, he uses the world to convince you everything is fine, while all the time he sees you as a dog. Friend, do not throw your soul away to this fiendish liar. Come to Christ, and live. Christ will plea your sins not with flimsy excuses, but with His blood shed at Calvary that has atoned for all sin. Oh, what an advocate we have in Christ!
1 John 2:1
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
Sunday - April 13, 2008
Satellite reveals Iranian missile site
Recent satellite imagery has revealed a site in Iran for developing ballistic missiles with a range of 6000 kilometers. Such a missile could reach any destination in the Middle East, Europe, China and most of India. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that the missiles are being constructed only to serve peaceful purposes, just as with their uranium enrichment program. However, Israeli President Shimon Peres said he sees 'no logic' in working diligently towards producing long-range ballistic missiles unless it is planned to couple such missiles with nuclear warheads. Analysis of the images taken by the Digital Globe QuickBird satellite indicates that that there was a recently constructed building on the site, about 40 meters in length, which is similar in form and size to the Taepodong long-range missile assembly facility in North Korea, reported The London Times. US and Israeli officials have expressed growing concerns that North Korea is helping both Iran and Syria develop their own nuclear and missile capabilities.
How long do you think it will be before the Islamic barbarians, who have built a religion based on lies and lying, engages the world in another holocaust? There is good reason why God has chosen this generation to be the time for dispensational change, and the second coming of Christ. We are without excuse. We experienced the rise of the Master Race in the last generation. We stood by and let their anti-Semitic rhetoric rule the day as they rose uninhibited to great power. Now, it repeats once again. The lesson was unlearned. A new Master race of Islamic barbarians are rising to power with the same old rhetoric. The last generation may have been naive about the Nazis, but we certainly can't hide from the reality of the past in dealing with the Islamic barbarians of our generation who hate the Jews with the same Satanic ferocity as did the Nazis. Islam is the new Master race rising to power on anti-Semitism, and if not stopped now is about to lead the world into an even greater conflict then did the Nazis. They will have the bomb, and the means to deliver it. The God of the Bible is giving the gentile ruled planet one last time to defend His chosen people, or they are going to lose the privilege of leadership. Never again will a gentile be able to say if God only let us rule we would do a better job then His chosen Jews. The end of the "Times of the Gentiles" has come with the uninhibited rise of the Islamic barbarians especially after the Nazi experience.
Let me teach what I believe the Bible reveals about our present time. It all begins with this miraculous Third Exodus unique to our generation. Dispensational Change has been triggered with the return of the Jews, and restoration of a Jewish Nation in the Holy Land (Ezekiel 36 & 37). This means the mostly gentile Church Age dispensation must end, and that is what every fundamentally oriented Christian lives for in daily expectation. The Rapture is immanent! The Church Age ends! A new foundation for the next Kingdom Age will be laid in Jerusalem when the Two Witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 are saved, and begin preaching, as John the Baptist who was the forerunner for Christ's first coming, that the Kingdom of Heaven is again being offered to the Jews and the world. 144,000 Jews (mostly Independent Fundamental Jewish Settlers defiantly living in the tribal lands of Judah and Samaria) will join themselves to the Two Witnesses. Upon this foundation God will begin to build the next dispensation. The call will be "BUILD MY HOUSE" which will be the task of the Two Witnesses, and the 144,000 Jews. Islam can be expected to go bananas. I tell you the Two Witnesses nor the 144,000 ever need leave Jerusalem to witness to the Jews and the world that the LORD Jesus Christ is coming again. The greatest testimony witnessing to His return will be the construction of Ezekiel's Temple (Ezek 40-48) with a throne (Ezek 43:7) for the coming Jewish Messiah on the Temple Mount. The purity of these faithful Jews will be all the testimony necessary for the Jews and the world. They need not establish a world wide TV Ministry. Their lives will be their witnessing testimony to Christ convicting the wicked hearts of a most wicked, and hate filled generation. They will just build a perfectly pure Temple for their Savior, and the world will hate them for it.
Revelation 14:3-5
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.4
These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.5
And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
What a foundation for the next dispensation! Folks, the declaration of the building of the Jewish Temple in preparation for the soon return of Christ will bring about World War III (The shortest World War in history). Islam releases their masses of hate filled barbarians in a three pronged invasion of Israel (Ezek 38). The post rapture gentile world can be expected to sit back and do nothing to protect God's chosen. It is God who will intervene for this little remnant of Jews, and ends Islamic rule forever over the Holy Land as described in Ezekiel 39! This would be a great ending if the Jews and gentiles all turned to Christ, but many of the Jews, and almost all the gentiles turn to the antichrist instead. 7 years of Great Tribulation must transpire before gentile rule is ended forever, and the Jewish Kingdom is established forever. Christ comes again, but not as the Babe of Bethlehem. This time He is coming in the character of the Mighty LORD of hosts. Oh friend, cone to this loving Savior who died in your place for your sins before this coming terrible day of judgment. Sin is not going to reign forever over the creation of God. The final victory is going to be won by Christ, and His perfect righteousness.
Where are you going to spend eternity future? Your soul was created eternal. You are unique among all of God's creation because He gave you an eternal Soul. It will never die. Have you come to the Savior? Are you born again? Have you been washed in the sin cleansing blood? Friend, God has done it all for the lost sinner through the perfect sacrifice of His own Son the sinless Christ. All you need do is come before judgment overwhelms you. The gentile world as we know it is about to be cast into hell! The LORD Jesus Christ in the character of the LORD of hosts will then be sanctified in His judgment of the gentiles, and in His Glory He will rule as the King of the Jews forever.
Isaiah 5:14-24
Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.15
And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:16
But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.17
Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.18
Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:
That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!21
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!22
Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:23
Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!24
Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Tuesday - April 15, 2008
PLO Leader Presents ‘Jerusalem First’ Plan
(IsraelNN.com) PLO Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki said last week that the PLO would win control of Jerusalem and use it to take control of all of Israel. In an interview for Lebanon’s NBN TV translated by MEMRI, Zaki said, “when the ideology of Israel collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine.”
Yunis al-Astal, a Palestinian Authority Parliament member from Hamas, expressed even more ambitious goals in a speech translated by MEMRI. Al-Astal said Islam would soon conquer Rome, and from there would overtake Europe and the two Americas. Through missionary work and “military conquests of the capitals of the entire world,” Islam would take control of the world, he said.
Here are the Ambassadors Abbas is sending out to the world representing him as head of the PLO. This is the Abbas that the United States has set up as the Arab King of Judah and Samaria after he was kicked out of Gaza by Hamas for being too moderate. Hamas just wants to kill Jews. They could care less about subtle planning of Moslems like Abbas. They only want to kill and pillage.
Abbas has it right. He is an Islamic thinker. He is fully versed in the knowledge that Islam can only exist on the lie. He would never tell George Bush what his real plans are once he gets a toe-hold in Jerusalem. The subtle plan is that Bush, and the rest of the world would find out only when it is too late to do anything about it. Allah would jump for joy that Abbas was able to lie his way into destroying the Jews. Allah would be praised for having inspired the lie that would cause Judaism to collapse, and eventually lead to Islam being the religion of the World. The Road Map is just the perfect foil for the Islamic lie! Two States living in peace while all the while the PLO State has been plotting the annihilation of the Jewish State. The PLO Ambassadors tell the truth in Arabic while telling nothing but lies in English. This is how Islam works. It is a religion of lies inspired by the Prince of Lies. This is not some well concealed plan. Islam is very open is bragging to itself how Allah makes their enemies believe the lie. They do not have to conceal it. All they have to do is tell it. The politicians of this generation demand it be told to them! They will hear nothing other then the Islamic lie of peace when there is no peace. Thid generation of dispensational change wants only lies to puff up their inflated egos. They are going to do the impossible, and bring peace to the Holy Land even though reality says all that is happening is we are moving closer to a great calamity.
Abbas knows that the difference between the Bible, and the Koran is that the Bible is built on truth while the Koran is built on liars and lying. Destroy the truth of the Bible, and all religion based on the Bible collapses. A most fundamental Bible truth has to do with the future of a Jewish Jerusalem, and what gives Jerusalem its significant Biblical standing is the future construction of a Jewish Temple. Destroy all Jewish hope in the Temple, and everything Biblically collapses. The coming Jewish Messiah will have no Biblical place from where to rule, and all the Jewish expectations in a Messiah will collapse. Without a Temple Judaism has no future as far as Biblical truth is concerned. Abbas wants Jerusalem to be forever Islamic so no Jew could ever again trust the God of the Bible. He does not want shared sovereignty over the Temple Mount as it now stands. He wants it all with no Jew ever getting close to it. The whole city must be Islamic as well as the entire Holy Land before the Biblical hope can be crushed. Only then will Biblical Judaism collapse, and Biblical Christianity built upon that foundation will quickly follow. Abbas is a thinker, schemer, and liar. He plans for the religion of lies to supplant the religion of truth. The problem is the Jews came back as the Bible said they would. In spite of some of the worst, and most incompetent secular leadership that Israel has ever had, progress continues during this miraculous Third Exodus toward a Jewish Jerusalem and Jewish Temple Mount. Islam is beside itself. Everything is against the Jews. Everything is working for Islam. A generation of politicians are in their pocket going along with every lie, and yet the Temple Mount remains in Jewish hands. The frustrations have driven the Islamists to strap suoicie bombs on their own children, and yet the Jews remain entrenched in Jerusalem. The gentile nations pass resolution after resolution against the Jews, and yet they still have the sovereignty over the Temple Mount. Islam tries to rally their young barbarians to defend the Mount for Allah only to have the Jewish police humiliate their efforts.
Friend, I hope you can understand that the God of the Bible laughs at the threats Islam poses to His Holy City, and His Holy Mountain. The God of the Bible is just too awesome to be threatened by all the scheming from the father of lies, and his dupes. I can only pray you are not another being duped by the father of lies. Friend, you must come to Christ for salvation. Don't be duped by religion. Only Christ has the power to save! You must come to this Christ of the Bible. Oh dear friend, do not put it off for another moment. Give your heart to Him, and He will wash away all your sin. Come to the truth, and live.
John 1:14
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 3:21
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Psalms 2:1-14
2 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,3
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.4
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.5
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.6
Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.8
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.9
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.10
Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.11
Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.12
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Wednesday - April 16, 2008
Carter Says Terror Chief Fought For "Just Cause"
(IsraelNN.com) Former US President Jimmy Carter, visiting the grave of PLO terror chief Yasser Arafat in Ramallah, said the arch-terrorist fought for the "advancement of the Palestinians and other just causes in the world."
A local PLO official told Carter that the PA hopes to transfer Arafat's bones to Jerusalem in the future.
Carter said he wished he could visit "besieged" Gaza, but Israel would not let him.
I suppose the next thing coming out of the mouth of our first Southern Baptist President will be that Hitler, and the Holocaust is another one of his "just cause" world events. I don't understand why the Democratic Party keeps using this old man who has obviously become senile. I guess they figure anything that stirs the pot is good for them in an election year, and Carter can certainly be depended upon to say something really stupid like he did at Arafat's grave. I doubt a more offensive statement could be made as to have a former Head of State honor Arafat. It was Arafat who came up with the first hijacking of an Airliner by terrorists, and he clearly is the father to 9/11. I know I am offended by what Carter said, and I believe I am being more then gracious by attributing it to senility. The most blatant anti-Semitism since pre World War Two days is running out of control among the politicians of this generation, and is not a product of senility. Most of it is very obvious such as the thousands of resolutions from the UN against the Jews of Israel while almost nothing about the terrorism coming from Arafat's PLO. It is this one sided approach to producing peace in the Middle East that has anti-Semitism written all over it. The Road Map is another one of those examples. It was once presented as Israel giving the PLO the land conquered from Jordan in 1967, and the PLO stopping the terror campaign they are waging against the Jews. The Jews turned over the Gaza and the city of Jericho to the PLO as the first step, and the terrorism only increases as the Arabs smell Jewish blood. Today, no politician mentions the PLO obligation to stop terrorism as their part of the Road Map plan. It is only the obligation on the part of the Jews that is expected. The Arabs get to increase their terror activities, and nothing is said. Why is Carter silent about this at Arafat's grave? I guess he just forgot.
The desire on the part of the Abbas PLO to move the bones of Arafat to Jerusalem is another statement to which Carter has approved as a "just cause." Carter wants to have the bones of Arafat in Jerusalem symbolizing Islamic determination to never be in submission to a Jewish King. That would be an "unjust cause" in the eyes of this old Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher. Poor old Solomon had problems in his old age, but nothing like Carter. I suspect Carter would be better served trying to collect concubines then going over to Israel to express his Southern Baptist teachings.
1 Kings 11:3-6
And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.4
For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.5
For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.6
And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and went not fully after the Lord, as did David his father.
Thursday - April 17, 2008
Abbas Grants Awards to Two Female Terrorists
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) The Palestinian Authority leadership, headed by Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), has granted a special award - the "Sign of Heroism" - to two female terrorists imprisoned in Israel. One of them was involved in one of the most infamous terrorist attacks in Israeli history: the Sbarro's pizzeria suicide bombing.
On August 9, 2001, an Arab terrorist walked into the busy pizzeria at the busiest intersection in Jerusalem, and detonated his charge, murdering 15 Jews. Among them were eight victims between the ages of 18 months and 19 years, as well as five members of one family, the Schijveschuurders of Neriah in the Binyamin region.
Abbas granted the "Sign of Heroism" award to the woman terrorist who helped direct the murderer to the target.
Abbas also granted an award to a woman who actively enticed an Israeli teenager over the internet. When she and the boy made up to meet, the boy was kidnapped at the rendezvous site near Ramallah and murdered by Arab terrorists.
The two female terrorists were given the awards for their heroic acts "on behalf of the Palestinian people," according to reports in the PA media.
Saar Calls for End to Negotiations
MK Gideon Saar, the Likud Knesset faction chairman, said in response, "This is an additional proof of the true stance of Abu Mazen. Israel must call off all diplomatic talks with the Palestinian Authority under his leadership.""We should not be expected to encourage and praise those who praise our murderers," Saar said. "Abbas makes sure to create for himself in the West an image of one who is moderate, while his true character is revealed among his own people. The government of Israel must wake up and respond appropriately, instead of granting him armored cars and removing checkpoints."
Livni Praises Fatah
That the government of Israel does not agree with Saar was evidenced not only by its ongoing talks with Abbas and his representatives, but also by recent remarks by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Speaking at the Doha Forum in Qatar this week, Livni said that Israel is negotiating "with the pragmatic Palestinians, who recognize Israel's right to exist, who seek to realize their national rights but choose the path of peace over terrorism. With such partners, who support the two-state solution, peace can be attained. The conflict is solvable."Analyst Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA) commented, "Once again, FM Livni tells the world that the PA leadership is simply fantastic - setting the stage for the world to blame Israel for any problems" that are likely to arise in the future.
Fatah, the military wing of what is popularly perceived as the "moderates" of the Palestinian Authority, has been responsible for a long list of deadly terrorist attacks against Israel, including bombings and shootings.
Hitler had to invade Poland before the foolish peace obsessed politicians of that day finally had enough. His intensions were clear from the beginning that he would never be satisfied until he conquered the world, but the politicians of the day demanded he lie about peace. That was all they would hear. They told the world that through their expertise they could manipulate Hitler into a reasonable era of peace. This generation of wickedness demands the Islamic barbarians tell the peace lie. Abbas knows this, and so he can boldly give honor to the worst terrorists who target children and families for death without fear the politicians will turn on him. Olmert certainly will not turn against him as well as George Bush, or any other politician of influence. They have all built their careers on implementing the Road Map. Abbas can say, and do as he pleases now. He knows they are trapped. There is no limit to which he can go. Not one of the politicians running for President will take on the Road Map as a failed plan. They all know Abbas is a liar, but they all plan to work with him anyway. I suspect they will encourage him to even greater acts of defiance, and indifference as he has done to the Bush / Olmert Presidencies.
Friend, the politicians will never bring peace to the Holy Land. It is beyond their abilities. Another truth is that religion can't save anyone. Salvation is beyond the power of religion. The Pope is in the news today. He tells his gullible followers he has the power to grant indulgences (forgiveness of specific sins). This is a lie. The Pope can't forgive even the most miniscule of sins. It is not just Islam that lies. It is not just from Islam that the masses want to hear lies about peace. The Pope would say go to his pedophile Priests confessing your sins, and these not so holy men can give you peace with God. It is another blatant lie that the gullible demand to hear. Sin would laugh were this Pope to offer his filthy blood full of false indulgences as a substitute for the sinner. It would never be acceptable. Only the perfect blood of Christ has the power over sin and death. His resurrection proved the acceptability of His perfect sacrifice at Calvary. Friend it is only Christ who can bring peace to the Holy Land. It is only Christ who can give you perfect peace with a Holy God. Come to this Christ of the Bible, and let Him save you. The false christ's of religion are powerless. The false god's of religion are likewise impotent. Only the LORD Jesus Christ can save. Oh friend, won't you come to Him, and live.
Ephesians 1:5-7
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,6
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.7
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
Colossians 1:12-14
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:13
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:14
In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Tuesday - April 22, 2008
Gazan Arabs Support More Terrorism Against Israel
by Baruch Gordon
(IsraelNN.com) Over sixty-five percent of Arabs in Gaza support continued suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, according to a report released Monday by the Arab Jerusalem Media and Communication Center. Sixty-nine percent are "pessimistic" or "very pessimistic" about reaching any peaceful settlement with Israel.
The poll also found that half of the Arabs who live in Gaza have positive feelings about PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, whose Hamas party won significantly in the most recent elections. This, even though 81 percent of them believe economic conditions have deteriorated under his leadership.
Nearly 50 percent of Gaza's civilians feel that launching rockets at Israeli civilians is a "useful" means of terrorism. Only 31.4 percent believe that firing rockets on Israel is "futile."
The above results are based on interviews with a representative sampling of 439 Arabs from Gaza.
Meanwhile, Israel is allowing the transfer of hundreds of truckloads of food and supplies per week into Gaza via the crossings that have been attacked five times in the last tens days alone.
A source in the Israel-Gaza Coordination office explained that the UN and the World Food Program donate most of the food supplies Israel lets through.. The equipment is largely ordered from Israeli factories and paid for by Gazan Arab wholesalers. "Israel sees an interest in keeping the local Gazan economy alive," said the source, "despite the constant attacks on Israel."
The last two weeks of supplies to Gaza Arabs are documented below, with the terror attacks on those transfer points interspersed chronologically:
- Friday, April 18, 48 truckloads of supplies including meat, fish, medical equipment, wheelchairs, baby bottles, etc were allowed to pass through the the Kerem Shalom crossing.
Less than 24 hours later, on Saturday, April 19, Gazan Arabs bombed that crossing site, using two vehicles filled with explosives. The potential mass-murder and kidnapping attempt wounded 13 IDF soldiers. A third car bomb in the attack did not explode. A fourth car bomb was detonated by IDF forces at a different location before it reached its target.
Two of the cars used in the attack were made to appear to be IDF vehicles; the third car was an armored vehicle. The IDF spokesman is investigating whether the armored vehicle was one of the many Israel authorized to be transferred to Gaza.
- Thursday, April 17, the IDF allowed 44 truckloads of goods in to Gaza via the Nachal Oz and Kerem Shalom crossings.
On the same day, an Arab sniper opened fire at IDF forces at the Nachal Oz crossing, and the IDF thwarted a terrorist infiltration attempt at the Kerem Shalom crossing.
- Wednesday, April 16, the IDF sent 194 trucks of supplies to Gaza via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom, and Karni crossings.
On the same day, 3 IDF soldiers were killed by Gaza terrorists near the partition fence.
- Tuesday, April 15, the IDF transfered 189 truckloads of supplies to Gaza, including medical and electric equipment, diapers, basic food products, soap, and meat. The supplies came through the Karni, Kerem Shalom and Sufa crossings.
- Monday, April 14, the IDF transferred 107 truckloads of staples to Gaza including medical and electric equipment, sewage pumps, and basic food supplies via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
- Sunday, April 13, the IDF transferred 121 truckloads of supplies to Gazan Arabs including rice, sugar, oil, fruit, and dairy products via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
- Thursday, April 10, the IDF announced that 4 million liters of gasoline were being transferred to Gaza every week via the Nachal Oz crossing.
That same day, 130 truckloads of supplies were sent to Gaza.
- Wednesday, April 9, the IDF transferred 183 truckloads of medical equipment, baby food, and basic food supplies via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom and Karni crossings.
That same day, Gaza terrorists killed two Israeli civilians and wounded two others at the Nachal Oz crossing. Those four were workers at the terminal who actively helped transfer fuel and free supplies into Gaza.
Still on that same Wednesday, Islamic terrorists killed an IDF soldier in southern Gaza and wounded two others.
- Tuesday, April 8, the IDF transferred 127 truckloads of medical equipment, diapers, and basic food products into Gaza via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings. . That same day, the IDF discovered a 3-1/2 meter deep tunnel shaft in a house close to the partition fence in northern Gaza which was being dug for a terrorist infiltration.
- Monday, April 7, the IDF transferred 128 truckloads of medicine, medical equipment, vitamins, meat, and tea via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
- Sunday, April 6, the IDF transferred 97 truckloads of medicine, spices, hygiene and cleaning products via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom, and Karni crossings.
That was just two days after Gazan Arabs opened fire at a group of civilians near Kibbutz Nir Am, moderately wounding one.
Jimmy Carter is in Egypt today telling the Islamic world that what he learned from Hamas during his Syrian visit is that Israel is starving the Palestinian Arabs to death! No doubt the entire Islamic world now believes what he is saying.
Jimmy Carter in Egypt: Gaza Arabs "Starved to Death" by Israel
Former US President Jimmy Carter tells students at the American University in Cairo that Gaza Arabs are being “starved to death” by Israel.
The truth does not matter. All that is important is that Islamic hate against Israel has increased even more then before thanks to Carter. He is stirring the pot of hatred against the Jews, and it is exactly what Islam wants to hear. When the call goes out to Invade Israel, and exterminate every Jewish man, woman, and child, the masses will be ready thanks to this former Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher. The carnage will be astronomical, but it will not be the Jews who are exterminated. The Bible is very clear in Ezekiel 39 that it will be Islam that will meet their doom. This Islamic invasion will most probably take place after the rapture, and end of the Church Age. I'm sure Carter will be one of the first to curse the Jews at the destruction of Islam. The truth will be that God is going to supernaturally intercede on behalf of a small remnant of Jews who will turn to their Messiah in those days, and destroy the invaders. I'm sure Carter will be doing all he can to turn that truth into a lie. He will claim it was not God intervening on behalf of the Jews. He will probably attribute the Islamic defeat to Satan. Carter will continue to believe in the false gentile christ of Apostate Christianity. He will teach in his Sunday School class that this coming Jewish Messiah is a sham sent to test the faith of those who will be listening to him. Carter and those like him can be expected to hate the Jews even more as they watch them survive another attack by the gentiles.
Friend, do you only want to hear lies? Will you listen to anything that would keep you from coming to the Christ of the Bible for salvation. Christ paid the price for sin by shedding His own blood at Calvary. He was the only perfect sacrifice that can make atonement for sin. He requires that you come to Him with all your heart, soul, and might. Nothing less will satisfy Him. He wants to change your heart, but only if you are willing. He has heard the many phony Christians down through the ages who never came with all their heart. He is not about to hear that same phony confession again from you. Friend, John the Baptist proclaimed "repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," and the same kind of repentance is still demanded today. It comes from the very depths of the heart as the sinner comes before the Holy Savior where he is exposed in all his filth. Friend, there is no lying in the presents of Christ. There are no excuses. There is only pleading on the basis of His sin cleansing blood that is acceptable. Won't you come to Him, and find forgiveness. He never refuses the truthful repentant. Won't you come to Christ, and live.
Ezekiel 39:4-8
Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.5
Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.6
And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the Lord.7
So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.8
Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.KJV
Thursday - April 24, 2008
Ariel family still grabbing attention worldwide
The story of Ami Ortiz, the 15-year old Israeli youth severely wounded in the ‘Purim basket bombing’ in Ariel last month, is still reverberating around the world. Next week, the Dove Music Awards honoring top Christian recording artists will feature a special tribute to Ami at its annual awards gala. In addition, the Kentucky state legislature in the US passed a resolution this week “in honor of Ami Ortiz, a world-class example of how one teen and his family have demonstrated God's love and forgiveness in the face of murderous religious persecution.” The resolution decried the bombing attack against the Ortiz family as intended “to frighten members of the tiny Messianic community into fleeing their homes, city, and nation,” and urged Israeli authorities not to overlook such anti-missionary violence as in the past. Copies of the resolution were sent to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik and US Ambassador Sallai Meridor. Meanwhile, Ami was up on his feet this week as doctors continue to monitor his amazingly rapid recovery, which his parents David and Leah Ortiz attribute to an “avalanche of prayer” from Christians worldwide.
I try to look at the world as it will appear after the translation of the saints into the presents of Christ. Ami will be gone if he is truly saved as will all the other Messianic Jews. Every born again Christian at the rapture will be translated up to heaven, and the Church Age as a dispensation will have ended. The Jewish persecutors of Ami will sigh in relief, but only for a moment.
This was a very hateful act Ami experienced having had a bomb hidden in a Purim basket left at the family doorstep. A gift Jewish neighbors leave for neighbors as an act of kindness during Purim was converted into an instrument of death. An act more associated with the moral-less Islamic barbarians. Here it was an act of anti-christian hatred by their Jewish neighbors trying to kill them, or drive them out of the neighborhood. The hate of today's Pharesitical Judaism against Christianity is as strong as the hate Islam bears against the Jews. The hate is from the same Satanic source that has no interest in it's followers other then to eventually use them as fodder in the battles hate always produces. Satan has no interest in ruling the world. His intent is to destroy it, and humiliate the God who created it. His method is hate be it from Islam, Judaism, or Christianity.
After the rapture a new Jewish foundation will need be laid for the next Kingdom dispensation. I believe the Two Witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 get saved at this moment in history. 144,000 Jews join them in coming to the Christ who just translated the last of the Church Age up to heaven. The Apostate Christian Church left behind will hate this small remnant of Jews proclaiming Christ as their Messiah. Islam will go absolutely bananas when they reveal their mandate from God is to build Ezekiel's Temple on the Temple Mount in preparation for the Messiah's return to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple. The Jews who hate the Messianic Jews of today will rage even more when all these future Messianic Jews suddenly converge on Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Their frustrations will only grow as every attempt to kill, or run them out of the neighborhood fails.
Revelation 11:3-5
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.4
These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.5
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.KJV
Friend, Christ is about to confront this entire generation with a decision. They must either submit to Him as King of the Kingdom, or they will perish. The Bible says the more Christ forces His righteousness on this sin filled generation the harder their hearts are going to get. They are predicted to respond to His love with hate for Him, and all who would follow Him. Only a remnant are expected to turn to Christ. The masses are doomed to the great wine press of judgment that comes at His second coming. Friend we are at the end of a dispensation. It has been almost 2000 years, and the Church Age has run its course. It is time for judgment, and then the Kingdom. Come to this Christ of the Bible before it is too late. Come to Christ, and live.
Revelation 16:14-21
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.15
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.16
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.17
And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.18
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.19
And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.20
And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.21
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.KJV
Friday - April 25, 2008
CIA Confirms: Israel Bombed Nuclear Reactor in Syria
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) The CIA - the US Central Intelligence Agency - is set to confirm that the Syrian installation destroyed by Israel on September 6, 2007 was a nuclear reactor. CIA representatives will brief members of a Congressional intelligence subcommittee.
The Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday that the installation was meant to produce plutonium, and was partially funded by North Korea. Israel bombed the reactor before it attained its planned capacity to manufacture plutonium for nuclear weapons, the CIA says.
The Congressional subcommittee session is to deal with Syrian-North Korean relations, amidst reports that a possible deal is in the works to remove North Korea from the American list of of state sponsors of terrorism.
At the presentation at Congress, which will be repeated afterwards to reporters, the intelligence officials will show video images showing Korean faces among the workers at the Syrian plant. Other pictures show what appears to be the construction of a reactor vessel inside the building.
Shortly after the Israel attack, Syria bulldozed the area and constructed a new building there, which it has not allowed foreign visitors to enter.
Israel, the U.S. and Syria have never divulged details about the attack, and today's presentation is a major departure from this policy. Israel is reportedly not happy with the change, fearing that it will revive the tensions between Syria and Israel.
Syrian media reported on Wednesday that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed in principle to hand over the entire Golan Heights to Syria. Syrian Immigration Minister Boutina Sha'ban confirmed the reports, while Olmert's office was silent.Two years ago, Olmert said, "As long as I serve as prime minister, the Golan Heights will remain in our hands because it is an integral part of the State of Israel." He was quoted in Israeli newspapers as reported by the French news agency AFP.
Nationalist Knesset Members said Olmert was recklessly endangering Israel with his consent to give away the strategic heights.
Olmert is going to go down in history as the man next to Hyman who came closest to destroying the Jews. His extreme leftist liberal political position is doing as much damage to Israel as anything Hyman could ever have hoped for. He ignores the reality of Islamic neighbors in the form of rockets raining down on Israeli civilians from Gaza, and pretends that the Syrians would be better neighbors once they have the Golan Heights overlooking the Sea of Galilee back in their possession. The reason why Israel took the Heights at great cost in the 1967 War was because Syrian sharpshooters targeted Israeli farmers and fisherman daily from those lofty heights.
Syria can't make a deal with Israel for peaceful coexistence. They would be reduced to an even lower level then are the Palestinian Arabs, the Egyptians, or the Jordanians in the Islamic world. The Islamic bomb would have lifted the Syrians to the heights of prestige among the Islamic barbarians, but now they are headed to the bottom. First they lost the Golan Heights to the Jews, and now they lost the bomb to the Jews. They have lost face, and can expect the cold shoulder at all future Islamic conferences.
Friend, just as Islam will never be friendly with the Jews so also will the sinner never be friendly with the Holy God of the Bible. A change in the heart must take place first. A miracle must take place! Islam must turn from the false god of the Koran, and come to the Christ of the Bible before such a change can take place. The same is true of the sinner. He must come to the Christ of the Bible before his heart can be changed, and he can have real peace with our Holy God. We are born in sin, and have a natural hate for righteousness. It takes a miracle to move the lust filled sinner into the ranks of the puritanically righteous. The LORD Jesus Christ demands perfect righteousness, but He also understands how far short we come to His perfect standards. He died at Calvary taking our sin upon His own body so we can be forgiven every time we miss the mark. His love quells our hate, and His righteousness cloths us making us presentable to a Holy God. We become good neighbors to our fellow men as a result. Christ becomes everything around which out life revolves. We are born again. We are saved for all eternity. We look forward to the fullness of our sanctification when we will be made absolutely perfect. We will be made absolutely sinless, and fit for dwelling with our perfect God throughout all eternity.
Friend, this Biblical salvation can be yours if you will only come to Christ with all your heart, soul, and might. Won't you come, and live.
Joshua 22:5
But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the Lord charged you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave unto him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.KJV
1 Samuel 12:20-25
And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart;21
And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.22
For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.23
Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:24
Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.25
But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed, both ye and your king.KJV
Jeremiah 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.KJV
Saturday - April 26, 2008
2 Israelis Dead in Terror Attack Near Netanya
by INN Staff
(IsraelNN.com) Two Israeli security guards were found shot to death at a factory in a small city east of the Mediterranean coastline city of Netanya Friday morning.
The community of Nitzanei Oz is also almost adjacent to the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Tulkarm, to where security forces speculate the murderer(s) escaped following the shooting.
The two victims were identified as Shimon Mizrachi, 53, of Bat Hefer, and Eli Muserman, 51, of Alfei Menashe.
Around 7 AM Friday morning, the local Magen David Adom emergency services dispatcher received a report of gunshot injuries in the northern area of the town's industrial zone, the area closest to Tulkarm. When its crew arrived on the scene, the paramedics discovered that the two victims were already dead.
Security forces immediately threw a dragnet around the area in an attempt to capture the murderer. IDF forces entered Tulkarm to search for the terrorists as well. Islamic Jihad later claimed responsibility for the attack.
Sources said the terrorists planned a mass murder at the factory, located in the city’s Nitzanei Shalom [Buds of Peace] industrial zone. After murdering the two men, however - one of whose guns was found in his car, instead of on his person - the terrorist entered the building only to discover that he was alone, as all the workers were on vacation for the Passover holiday.
Yesha Council Castigates Government
The Yesha Council (Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria) stated, "It is no coincidence that the attack occurred just a day after Israel announces it willingness to pardon more terrorists... These concessions and gestures tell our enemies that terrorism pays off... Palestinian terrorism must be defeated, not negotiated with."
Security sources said it is believed the terrorists came from Tulkarm, which the Israeli government transferred to PA control within the framework of the Oslo Accords.On August 1, 2002, Shani Ladni, a truck driver who frequented the same industrial zone, was murdered there by terrorists. The attack was enabled by the Defense Ministry's removal of a curfew around Tulkarm as a confidence-building gesture to the PA shortly beforehand.
The Nitzanei Shalom Industrial Park was one of nine industrial zones established in 1995 to help provide work for Arabs in Judea and Samaria. Currently there are seven factories in Nitzanei Shalom, which produce cartons, plastic parts, exterminator sprays and other items. Some 700 Arabs are employed in the complex.
Another thanks for all your help from the Arabs to the Jews. It would be something else if the Arab community were to express its sorrow to the families of those slain guards, but instead what they do is dance in the streets at the news of two more dead Jews. The hooded terrorists are known to pass out sweets to the children during the festivities. The Road Map is evicting the wrong people from the Holy Land.
It is the liberal policy of the Olmert government that gives the Arabs their boldness. They know that even if captured their return to their homes is almost guaranteed. Every few months Olmert is freeing another hundred, or more terrorists as good will gestures. The Jews have become spineless in the eyes of the Arabs. Every good will gesture is looked upon as another spineless concession on the part of Olmert. It is not good will, but fear of the Arabs that causes Olmert to give in to the demands of the PA. There is not a single Arab in all of Judah and Samaria who believes Olmert is doing this to be friendly. There is not one Arab who has had a change of heart toward the Jews as a result of Jewish good will. It just never comes across to them as such. They hate the Jews, and nothing is ever going to convince them that their hate is not warranted.
The Holy God of the Bible has preformed the greatest of all good will acts by allowing His only begotten Son to be crucified at Calvary so a perfect atonement for sin could be offered and accepted. Only the perfect blood of the innocent Christ has the power to wash away sin, and He offers f9or free salvation to any sinner willing to come to Him. Friend, with all that good will being being freely offered the masses reuse to come. They would rather continue to live in sin then turn to righteousness. Only a small remnant of any generation have ever made that commitment to God through Christ. What about you? Will you leave the crowd of phony Christians, and come to the righteous Christ of the Bible? He has the power to change your heart, and He will to all who come with all their heart, soul, and might. There is nothing phony about being born again. A heart changing miracle takes place that puts a new nature in the old sinner. Friend, I pray you will examine your heart, and determine if you are truly born again. Our perfection is yet to come, but it is sure in Christ. We are reprobates today, but we will be sinlessly perfect in Christ tomorrow. Friend, come to this Christ, and live.
2 Corinthians 13:5-9
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?6
But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.7
Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates.8
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.9
For we are glad, when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this also we wish, even your perfection.KJV
Sunday - April 27, 2008
Bush aims to 'define' Palestinian state by year's end
During a meeting at the White House on Thursday (24 April), US President George W. Bush reassured Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas that terms for a Palestinian state would be outlined by year's end as part of the Annapolis efforts to achieve a Middle East peace. “I believe it's in Israel's interests and the Palestinian people's interest to have leaders willing to work toward the achievement of that state," said Bush during the meeting. Abbas urged Bush to pressure Israel to halt all settlement activity. Abbas said afterwards,"I cannot say that the road to peace is paved with flowers… It is paved with obstacles," according to Ynetnews. Bush also met this week with King Abdullah II of Jordan, who also called for a freeze in settlement building and for eliminating Israeli blockades and sanctions on the Palestinians. The Jordanian Embassy released a statement that King Abdullah told President Bush “it is important that Israel refrains from measures that would jeopardize negotiations with the Palestinians.”
Our Evangelical President is doing everything he can in his last days in office to turn this miraculous Third Exodus of Jews back to the Holy Land into a retreat from all their gains since the 1967 victories over the Jordanians when Samaria, and Judah including all of Jerusalem with the Temple Mount became Jewish. The Exodus would have no other meaning then just another non-important secular country being established according to the Bush plan. He would mask the truth of God having a totally different plan according to the Bible. George Bush may call himself an Evangelical, but his theology is that of the liberal Methodists, and replacement theology which can only remain credible if anyone but the Jews control Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Replacement theology has taught the gullible for generations that God is finished with the Jews, and all future references to future blessings for the Jews is only figurative. The Bible reader must replace the Christian Church with every reference to future blessings for Israel. This was a very popular theology until 1948 when suddenly the theologians were confronted with the truth that a literal Israel had now returned on the world scene, and a literal Israel is what God always intended when speaking about the future. Many proud Christians can't admit replacement theology is a lie. They refuse to give up their privileged position with the God of the Bible to the Jews. They want their version of the Christian Church to be the final victors. They want their pastors and evangelists not Jewish rabbis or priests leading religion into the future Millennial Kingdom. Folks, they will take anyone even Islam over the literal Jews. They figure Western Christianity will overcome Islam over the next 1000 years, and then Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount will be in Christian hands, and replacement theology will reign.
Bush has found an ally in Olmert who also wants a secular Jewish State over which he now reigns. Olmert will in a heart beat give away all of Samaria, and Judah including most of Jerusalem of which part the Temple Mount belongs for a secular peace that will never be. Islam hates the Jews too much to ever consider peace. Reality is the proof of this, but Olmert will settle for just lip service as will Bush.
God will not settle for lip service. It is either perfect peace, or judgment. It is either the LORD Jesus Christ, or eternal condemnation abiding forever under the wrath of God. Friend, there is going to be peace in the Holy Land, but it is going to be based on perfect righteous. It is going to come God's way, not the way of the politicians. It is going to come through the King of the Jews, not via replacement theology. Friend, it is the Biblical Christ claiming what He bought at Calvary who will be the final victor. It will be the return of the Jewish Messiah to the Holy Land that will bring judgment to this evil generation, and perfect peace to all who are privileged to enter into His Kingdom. It is not 1000 years into the future, but right now during this generation of the miraculous Third Exodus. Friend, are you ready? Have you been washed in the sin cleansing blood of Christ? This could be your last chance to get saved? Come to Christ dear friend, and live.
Matthew 18:3-4
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.4
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.KJV
John 3:4-5
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?5
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.KJV
Monday - April 28, 2008
Bulgaria Church Delegation to Bring Holy Easter Fire from Jerusalem
26 April 2008, Saturday
delegation of clergymen from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is expected to land
Airport around 8 p.m. in the evening on Holy Saturday bringing the Holy Easter Fire from Jerusalem.
The Bulgarian clergymen will attend a service at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, where the Holy Fire descends from the sky every year on Holy Saturday.
The Holy Fire is believed to appear only before the Orthodox Easter. It is believed to be non-material in the first few minutes of its occurrence - i.e. it does not emit warmth.
According to the Orthodox Church, its appearance cannot be explained scientifically. Thus, the Holy Easter Fire is believed to be one of the great miracles of the world. It appears after the prayer of the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.
The transfer of the Holy Fire from Jerusalem to Bulgaria is taking place for the fourth consecutive year.
After its arrival at Sofia Airport, the Holy Fire will be taken to the St. Alexander Nevksi Cathedral in a large procession. The fire has to be delivered to all churches in the country before the beginning of the night vigil before Easter.
Here are the guys who hold strongly to replacement theology. They must prove to the world it is the Bulgarian Orthodox Church that will be given the lead roll in Christianity future. God would not perform this exclusive wondrous miracle year after year if He did not have great plans for the Bulgarians, and their method of worshiping Him. The Roman Catholic hierarchy would certainly take issue with the Bulgarians, and would point to all the miracles attributed to their own Church such as the flying house of the virgin Mary's birth that miraculously flew from Israel to Rome Italy where it is venerated today.. Next would probably come the Greek Orthodox, and somewhere in the mix would be our own Methodist Denomination to which George Bush is a member making their plea to immortality as the most blessed of God. What they all have in common is that the most blessed will never be the Jews! And yet, the greatest miracle of our century is the miraculous Third Exodus of Jews back to the Holy Land. Never in all of human history have a people been expelled from their homeland, and returned much less three times. The masses of Christianity want to hear only about magic fires, or flying houses as examples of miracles, and this miraculous Third Exodus of our generation is trivialized into mere political coincidence. Bush would reduce it even more as some kind of mistake that needs correction. The Bush Road Map would reverse the Exodus back to the 1967 boarder of Israel and Jordan giving the Jordanian occupied territories to the Palestinian Arab barbarians. A futher reduction back to the 1948 boarders can be expected to come next, and the great mistake corrected. We all know that the word mistake is just a genteel way of identifying sin. All those who hold to replacement theology in reality see the formation of the nation Israel in the Holy Land as sin. Sin that is in need of political correction.
Friend, the only sin in need of correction is that of those who hold to this blasphemous replacement theology. It is the God of the Bible who has brought about this miraculous Third Exodus in preparation for the return of Christ! He is coming as the King of the Jews to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Friend, all religion is filled with lies. It is only the KLORD Jesus Christ of the Bible who is true. His miracles were not like the holy fires, or flying house. What He did was undeniably miraculous and real. His real miracles proved His authority to forgive sin. Religionists are forced to lie when they try to usurp His authority. Friend it is not religion that saves. It is the LORD Jesus Christ who shed His blood at Calvary for the atonement of sin. His miraculous resurrection proved His perfect sacrifice was acceptable to the Holy God of the Bible. He is the victor over sin and death. You, dear friend, can be saved if you will only come to this loving Savior with all your heart, soul, and might. Be saved today. Come to Christ, and live.
Matthew 9:2-8
And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.3
And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.4
And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?5
For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?6
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.7
And he arose, and departed to his house.8
But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.KJV
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Edited by DDSrail - April 2000