June - 2008
Folks, I've been traveling, and battling bouts of pesky sicknesses. I'm afraid June is going to be as rather sporadic as has May. Please stick with me, and I'll become more dependable with a daily report. I'm leaving you a a neat little site for your enjoyment thanks to my Pastor.
Thursday - June 5, 2008
Hamas: We'll Storm Rafiah if Israel Does Not Back Down
(IsraelNN.com) A senior Hamas leader, Osama al-Muzini, threatened Wednesday that terrorists will storm the Rafiah border again if Israel does not agree to open up the crossing, which straddles the Gaza and Egyptian sides of the city. He warned that public
protests would cause the border to fall and that "the results of the explosion will be hard because we, in Gaza, have no more things to lose."
Terrorists overran the border in January, resulting in a flood of hundreds of thousands of residents who swarmed Egyptian stores. Terrorists also used the breach to infiltrate in the Sinai Peninsula as a staging ground for attacks on Israel.
Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar told an Arabic language newspaper that Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman is angry with Israel for not having replied to Hamas's offer of a relaxation in terrorist attacks. Al-Zahar said that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is delaying his answer until his return from the United States.
The Rafiah boarder is where Hizbullah, and Hamas join together. There is no love loss by the Egyptians for the Iranian terrorists, but the Islamic ties of Jewish hatred make the Egyptians overlook a lot of the arms smuggling. Iran, Iran, Iran has been popping up very disproportionably in these last few years. The leadership of the Islamic radical barbarians is shifting in the direction of Iran. The attitude of Christian Evangelical America is shifting to non-confrontation. America may be looking for a golden throated negotiator who can make people feel good as Islam takes barbarianism to new lows. It will be the Jews of Israel who will bear the brunt of the increases in extremism, and I believe Evangelical Christianity is prepared to make the sacrifice of the Jews for a peace that is only in word.
Folks, understand the threatened boarder riots are not because the Palestinian rocket firing Arabs are being starved by Israeli boarder restrictions. It is all about Iran, and the Iranian terrorist organizations joining up together to kill and torture the Jews of Israel. This has nothing to do with food. It has everything to do with arms needed to destroy Jews. The worst of the worst want to have unrestricted arms flow from Iran to the boarders of Israel. The Northern corridor through Lebanon is now wide open for Hizbullah. The pincher strategy next wants a corridor from the South for Hamas. Iran itself stands off to the East showing the Islamic world the first hints of how Israel can be destroyed by a future Islamic invasion. It will take more then what Iran can muster, but Iran can be the spark lighting the way for the Islamic hoards North of the Caucasus Mountains who will be joined by the Islamic Turks. Iran can inspire the North African Islamic barbarians hot off their extermination of millions of Christians to follow their lead. Russian cooperation can be expected to boost the Iranian dream of wiping Israel off the map. I fully expect the Russians to take full advantage of the Islamic hate for the Jews, and provide the big power support needed for such a three pronged (three corridor) Jihad aimed at the extermination of all the Jews of Israel to be successful.
Friday - June 6, 2008
Olmert Hints U.S. Action on Iran Nukes is Near
by Gil Ronen
(IsraelNN.com) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hinted after his meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush Wednesday that U.S. action against Iran is imminent. While he avoided saying anything clear and specific on the matter, Olmert did mention a "timetable" and said action would take place before Bush leaves the White House.
"We reached agreement on the need to take care of the Iranian threat," Olmert said after the meeting. "I left with a lot less question marks [than I had entered with] regarding the means, the timetable restrictions and America's resoluteness to deal with the problem."
"George Bush understands the severity of the Iranian threat and the need to vanquish it, and intends to act on the matter before the end of his term in the White House," Olmert reportedly said after his 90 minute long one-on-one meeting with the American Commander in Chief.
'It is not good to publicize everything'
"With every day that goes by we get closer to stopping the Iranian nuclear plan," Olmert said. He said that meaningful steps were being taken to handle Iran "more effectively" and told reporters: "The Iranian problem requires urgent attention, and I see no reason to delay this just because there will be a new President in the White House seven and a half months from now.""The U.S. is a leading element in dealing with Iran," Olmert said. "These are serious matters; I am not just saying this… It is not good to publicize everything."
Olmert reportedly told Bush: "From a personal point of view, I must say that I admire the patience and the strong emotion that you show the State of Israel as a person of your stature. Israel loves you very much, and your wife Laura."
Ahead of the meeting between the two leaders, Bush said he was waiting to "hear Olmert's views" regarding the recent contacts between Israel and Syria. The talks with Syria have reportedly aroused the ire of the U.S., which sees Syria as a leading member of the Axis of Evil. Olmert told reporters: "I hope that the contacts with Damascus will take Syria out of the Axis of Evil."
'Operational subjects'
American National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley dodged reporters' questions Wednesday on whether Prime Minister Ehud Olmert directly urged American President George W. Bush to take military action against Iran. He said the United States is using a diplomatic strategy but added: "All options are on the table."Olmert, in a speech earlier this week to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy forum, said that the Iranian threat "must be stopped by all possible means." He said sanctions are "only an initial step" and that there is "no doubt as to the urgent need for more drastic and robust measures."
Olmert also met with Vide President Dick Cheney at Cheney's residence. The two reportedly discussed "operational subjects" which included the finalization of the purchase of F-35 fighters by Israel, and the possibility of purchasing F-22 "Raptors" as well.
McConnell meets Dagan
Meanwhile the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Mike McConnell, is in Israel on a rare visit. McConnell is meeting security officials in Israel, who are trying to convince him that the U.S. needs to change its position regarding Iran's nuclear capabilities.McConnell is the man who presented the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) in 2007, which said that Iran had stopped its military nuclear project. He is in Israel as the guest of Meir Dagan, head of the Mos "These are serious matters; I am not just saying this… It is not good to publicize everything." sad – Israel's foreign intelligence arm – and will meet Defense Minister Ehud Barak Thursday morning.
Dagan is reportedly trying to persuade McConnell that Iran has ambitions to develop nuclear weapons and is en route to doing so.
"This is a person who briefs U.S. President Bush every morning about the security-related reality, based upon information collected by the intelligence network, and hence his importance [for Israel]," a security source told NRG. "He is one of the people with the most influence on U.S. foreign policy."
The Israeli security source added that "[Israel's] Minister of Defense has already told the [Knesset's] Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Iran continues to develop its nuclear ability, but he will have to prove this to McConnell by showing him intelligence information." According to a profile in the Israeli men's magazine Blazer, the hawkish Dagan favors quiet diplomatic contacts regarding Iran, accompanied by accelerated operational readiness.
In these last days we are not dealing with rational government officials, but with conscienceless Islamic barbarians. Iran exemplifies the reality of the days in which we live more then any other country. The evil secular politicians of this generation are tending to be neither hot or cold. Endless fruitless negotiations with the mindless barbarians is their only plan. Nowhere is there even a hint at abandoning the blasphemous failed Road Map by anyone. Negotiations with veiled threats has all been tried before to no avail, yet it is the only political response being offered to a very real threat of wiping Israel off the map. God has given this Evangelical Christian American generation more then enough power to stop the Islamic barbarians, and protect His chosen people. But, this lukewarm era of the Church history remains snuggled in their feather bed style of Christianity, and will not be stirred. Talk is fine, but action is out of the question.
Iran is going to pay the price for putting the barbarians in charge, but it will not be due to America taking on the responsibility God has given to us in this generation. The Bible says Iran will be very successful in completing their present threat of wiping Israel off the map. They will out negotiate the negotiators keeping the powerful USA at bay until they are ready to invade. The Russian Gog can be expected to work behind the scene giving this coming Islamic invasion the real power it will need to succeed. I expect the Islamic barbarian leadership will begin to shift from Iran to the Islamic hordes North of the Caucasus Mountains. I expect Turkey to become more active in anti-Israel rhetoric. Iran will set the spark, but alone it does not have the power to exterminate the Jews of Israel. It is going to take much more then Iran. It will take the Islamic barbarians from both North, and South to make the threat of wiping Israel off the map become reality. Ezekiel 38 predicts just such a scenario. This generation approaches great changes coming to the world wide political scene over the next few months. The die needed to bring about Ezekiel 38 & 39 seems ready to be set. God is bringing dispensational change very quickly to this evil generation. The Koran is not going to become the only book allowed in the Holy Land. Allah is not going to replace the Great God of the Bible. A failed Christian Church age that is neither cold or hot will not be allowed to hinder the soon return of the LORD Jesus Christ to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. The most secular liberal Jewish government in the history of the nation Israel will not prevent God from changing the hardened hearts of the Jews into a people who will obey the Bible to the very letter of Old Testament law by turning to Christ as their Messiah/King. A people whom the world will not be able to restrain from building Ezekiel's Temple on the Temple Mount as the dwelling place for their coming king.
Folks, the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 & 39 is critical to the end of this age. Plain and simple Ezekiel 38 & 39 is a successful Islamic invasion of Israel where God supernaturally intervenes utterly destroying the invaders, and opening the door for the building (Ezekiel 40 - 48) of the next Holy Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. The Road Map is the foil that causes the Jews not to be on their guard. The Road Map prevents the Jews from being prepared for this, one of the oldest prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the Bible. What about you? Are you prepared? Dear friend, are you born again? Have you been washed in the sin cleansing blood of the lamb? Will you enter into the coming Kingdom, or will the LORD Jesus Christ reject your commitment to Him? Only those who come with all their heart, soul, and might will be acceptable. Friend, this is not the time for lip service to Christ. Come to Him completely for the forgiveness of your sin, and the salvation of your soul. Let Him lift the veil of blindness so that you can see His Biblical plan for the future.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord , thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.12
Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
Saturday - June 7, 2008
Arab Anger Forces Obama to Backtrack on Jerusalem
by Hana Levi Julian
(IsraelNN.com) Within 24 hours of expressing his firm support for a united Jerusalem in a speech to a pro-Israel lobby organization, US Senator Barack Obama found himself forced to backtrack in the face of Arab anger on Thursday.
Obama had managed to enrage Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) with his first foreign policy speech since garnering enough delegates to win the nomination at the Democratic convention in Denver this summer.
"Let me be clear," said Obama from the podium at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington on Wednesday, "Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive and that allows them to prosper. But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish State, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided," he declared.
Responding to Obama's remarks, a livid Abbas told reporters, "This statement is totally rejected. The whole world knows that holy Jerusalem was occupied in 1967 and we will not accept a Palestinian state without having Jerusalem as the capital."
By Thursday Obama was quickly backpedaling, telling reporters "Well, obviously it's going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations… As a practical matter, it would be very difficult to execute [a policy of the capital remaining undivided.]"
Obama went on to expressed the view that there must be a way in which "everyone has access to the extraordinary religious sites in Old Jerusalem, but that Israel has a legitimate claim on that city."
Israel has provided Christians and Muslims with free and complete access control of holy sites in Jerusalem since the Holy City was restored to the Jewish State in the 1967 Six-Day War. During the time the city was occupied by Jordan, from 1948 to 1967, Christians and Jews were prohibited from holy sites.
Well, here it is. The Obama liberal secular foreign policy regarding the Holy Land. Talk big before the Jewish interest groups then quickly back-off from everything you said in the face of Islamic hatred for the Jews. At least George Bush stood up to the Islamic hate in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush will have to go hard for his adoption of the blasphemous Road Map which I believe was the downward turning point of his presidency (he lost favor with God), but at least he put Islam in it's place first. Obama begins with the lowest failure point of the Bush administration in not standing up to Islam, and I suspect will take it to even lower levels of even greater failures should he be the next president.
Imagine the glee Abbas, and his cronies must be feeling with the knowledge that he single-handedly caused Obama to completely back down from his support for the Jews and Jerusalem in the very first hours of his run for the presidency of the United States. He brought the big man down in front of the whole world. This banished leader of the Palestinian Arabs who is now claiming to be the King of Judah (and Samaria) only through the so far failed Road Map that is yet to grant him any land has backed down the head of the mighty Democratic Party in one quick burst of anger. Imagine his attitude to the prospects of an Obama presidency.
God is constantly testing. God is determined that the truth be know. Obama was tested about his statements regarding Jerusalem, and the truth came out very quickly. What about you dear friend. What happens when God tests you for the truth? Are your statements about Christ found to be only lip service, or do you remain standing in the face of adversity? We live in an era where false Christianity thrives. Phony ministers and ministries are the hallmark of this generation. False doctrine is rampant among those who are part of main stream Christianity, and with false doctrine comes false assurances of conversion. God has already exposed many of these apostate individuals and ministries, but the masses just flow to the next rotten apple in the barrel. The days of repentance, and revival are past. The time to come out from among them has gone by. It is now time for dispensational change. The LORD Jesus Christ is coming again to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Apostate Christianity will be left behind to face the wrath of God. Friend, come out from among them. come to the real Christ of the Bible. The soon returning Jewish Messiah/King. He is coming to Jerusalem! Jerusalem is going to be Jewish irregardless of what the secular politicians think they can force on the world. Friend, come to Christ, and live.
2 Corinthians 6:16-18
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.17
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,18
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.KJV
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.KJV
Monday - June 9, 2008
Shauvot Holiday - Feast of Weeks - Begins Sunday Night
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) Tonight, Sunday night, begins the holiday of Shavuot, commemorating the day on which the people of Israel received the Torah 3,320 years ago, and the beginning of the harvest season. The holiday, which also marks the end of the 49-day Omer period, is celebrated for one day in Israel, and two days in the rest of the world.
Jews throughout the world will stay awake all night studying Torah in classes, study-pairs, or individually, and tens of thousands are expected to arrive at the Western Wall for sunrise festival prayers. First-fruit ceremonies will take place in many kibbutzim throughout the country. In the Mirkavot Latrun park, thousands of people are expected to take part in the Fruits and Agricultural Equipment Convoy on Sunday.
On Monday, the public Torah reading in synagogues features the Divine revelation of the Ten Commandments, which are the basis for ethical behavior throughout most of the world.
What is Shauvot all about? All the above, and much much more. It is the Jews to whom the creator God of the Bible chose to reveal His written word. The Bible has no comparison. It is unique above all other works of writing. It is timeless outliving time itself. It is the singular revelation of the only creator God of all creation. He is greater then just the physical universe that continues to reveal new depths with the forward progress of scientific development, but He is the creator of life itself which is unique to this one small planet we call earth. The complexity of life parallels the complexity of the universe also revealing new depths with the advancement of the sciences that study such things. All this reveals the greatness of this God who gave us the Bible.
Two up-to-date facts need be considered at this point. The homosexual perverts gained great sympathy from the public by claiming God made them the way they are. It was not their fault! It was all in the genes. Well the g-gnome research of this computer age has proved there is no such thing as a gene for homosexuality. It is not there! It is not God who made the homosexual the way he, or she is. They lied about God, and the truth is they made themselves out of their own free will to be the way they are. It always was unrestricted perverted lust not genes that creates the filth of homosexuality. It is perverted sex gone amuck not love that produces this terrible sin. They gained the public's sympathetic acceptance which they enjoy today by lying about God and the Bible. Their sin goes far beyond just themselves. They pollute the very land upon which they walk. They corrupt the very nations to which they belong.
Leviticus 18:22-26
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.23
Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.24
Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:25
And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.26
Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:KJV
A second up-to-date fact about the veracity of the Bible is the Martian Lander now sitting on the red planet. Folks, they may find evidence of water, or even water itself. What they will not find is life! I was one of two Christians working in the fish canneries of Alaska back in the Seventies when the first Mars Lander reported that they found life. I remember the anthropology students coming into the kitchen (my work area) literally dancing around the tables to rub the news into the face of this old fundamental Christian. I never made a single comment about my views on life in space, but they certainly put together what this news meant to someone who openly believed in the Bible. The news didn't last as long as their hangovers once the evidence was examined a second time. It was a malfunction of the test equipment that was revealed on the following day. For a few moments the Bible was brought low, and the world rejoiced (at least in Alaska that summer). However, the rejoicing was very short lived.
The Jews will be reading the Ten Commandments once again this year. It will be the 3,320th time that the Holiness of God will again be revealed through the Bible. With the singular exception of the LORD Jesus Christ there has never been a man who has kept to the
letter these simple 10 does and don'ts. The Commandments must be reinterpreted (watered down) before any man no matter how religious could make claim to have the ability to keep them. Try it yourself, and measure your righteousness against that of the Holy God of the Bible. The Jews of Christ's day did so interpret the Commandments by using some 618 minor precepts which they touted as being able to keep. Christ pulled the rug from under them by telling us that it was not enough just to do or don't the 618, but violation of the law of the Bible went beyond the act itself. Violation according to a Holy God went into the very thought of doing, or not doing without ever putting into action what the law requires. Christ went right to the heart! The Pharisees and Sadducees quickly realized that if Christ were correct, and their very thoughts were accountable to a Holy God the standard of Biblical law was just raised even beyond their corrupted abilities to keep it. All men would be sinners, and in need of a Savior. A redeemer who could somehow forgive them of sin. It was at Calvary where the atonement for sin was made. A perfect sacrifice was made that was acceptable to the Holy God of the Bible. Folk's resurrection Sunday was the proof that Christ, and Christ alone was that singular perfect atonement for sin. Friend, the Holy biblical Law proves we are all lost sinners, and should cause us to seek Christ as there is no other place to go. Won't you come to this Christ of the Bible?
Exodus 24:12-16
And the Lord said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.13
And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God.14
And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.15
And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount.16
And the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.KJV
Galatians 3:24-28
Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.25
But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.26
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.27
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.KJV
Saturday - June 14, 2008
Date Tree Sprouts from 2000-Year-Old Seed Found on Masada
by Hana Levi Julian
(IsraelNN.com) The desolate cliffs of Masada are disturbed by little other than the dry desert winds and a seldom sprinkle of winter rain – the perfect place for a 2,000-year-old seed to wait out the millennia until an Israeli scientist could rescue and resuscitate it.
Methuselah, as the 26-month-old plant has been named (after the oldest human being who ever lived), appears to be healthy, almost 4 feet tall, and growing strong, according to an update reported in the June 13 2008 issue of the journal Science.
Famed archaeologist and former IDF Chief of Staff Yigal Yadin, who led the excavations at Masada, stored the pile of seeds he had found at Bar Ilan University, where they sat for another 40 years.
In 2005, medical plant researcher Dr. Sarah Sallon came along, asked for, and received, five of the seeds. Two were sent for analysis to the University of Zurich for radio-carbon dating, as were the shell fragments that later clung to Methuselah's roots.
The other three seeds were given to Elaine Solowey, a plant specialist at the Arava Institute of the Environment, who soaked them in warm water, fertilizer and hormones. Finally the seeds were planted on the holiday of Tu B'Shevat
(Jewish Arbor Day) on January 19, 2005.
Eight weeks later, Methuselah's first green shoot peeked through the soil. It was the only one to survive.
The Radio-Carbon Laboratory estimated that the seeds were approximately 2,000 years old, an analysis that made sense; Masada was built 2,044 years ago and destroyed by the Romans approximately 100 years later..
The seeds were indeed most likely remnants of the fruit stored by the Jews who lived in the fortress, hoping to avoid the invaders who had destroyed Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The young date palm is a sprout of an ancient Judean variety that was believed to be extinct for thousands of years.
The Dead Sea region, where Masada is located, and the Jordan River Valley which extends to the Sea of Galilee, were once a lush forest of such date palms. The large, sweet fruit was famous throughout the civilized world both for its distinctive flavor as well as for its medicinal properties, which are mentioned in the Bible.
Today, however, Israel's date palms are of imported stock.
Researchers say it is still not clear whether the sprout is a male or female – but if it's a "girl", the research team led by Sallon at the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center, part of the Hadassah medical organization, says "she" could bear fruit as early as 2010.
The Jews who witnessed the destruction of the last Holy Jewish Temple that stood on the Temple Mount were the same who stored these dates at Masada. Folks, I pray you can understand the miracle God has preformed by causing this 2000 year old Masada date seed to germinate. I pray you see the message being sent to this apathetically evil generation. The real miracles of today are those happening in Israel. The phony miracles of Benny Hinn, and the entire phony Charismatic movement that popularizes him smokescreen the real miracles of today. The phony TV faith healers of today usurp true Biblical miracles making them seem mundane. Yes, God heals miraculously today, but the Charismatic movement with all the false doctrine that goes with it looks right through Christ to the big mouths who grow rich by claiming they are a necessary part of the healing loop. Folks, if God were using real healers today they would all be in sack-cloth and ashes not BMW's and Lear jets. Christ is on record as hating the money changers who used His Father as the source of their personal wealth. I tell you the truth it will be the phony money changers of today who will be driven with a whip out of Christ's presents when He returns.
John 2:15-16
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;16
And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.KJV
Friend, this is not the character of Christ that we are used to hearing. Love, mercy, turning the other cheek, are more to our liking. It is what we want when we must stand before Him where only the truth can be said. I do not want to take away any of these wonderful attributes of our LORD and Savior, but friend, there is more. I would be a poor Bible teacher if I did not warn you of His wrath
especially toward those slick Benny's, Oral's, Pat's and the like who think they can take advantage of His worthiness by gaining personal riches. The character of Christ is not for sale, and I feel sorry for those low lives who convinced this evil generation that it is actually the will of God that they be made rich by using Christ. All the great Christians of the past were never known to have accumulated the personal wealth of the likes of Pat Robertson who redefined the Bible to fit his personal style of Christianity. Word of knowledge as accepted by today's main stream Christians is his own personal money making gimmick. The Charismatic movement has invented new definitions to many Biblical revelations such as the speaking in tongues. They have taken known languages, and slickly packaged it into heathenistic gibberish which they promote as miraculous angel talk. I could go on and on exposing all the false doctrine of the Charismatics, but many others have already done so. I just want you to be able to see through all these phony, and abused miracles of God so when a 2000 year old Seed from Masada comes to life you can appreciate what God has done.
The seed is directly attached to last Holy Jewish Temple, and its destruction. The fact that this 2000 year old seed dating back to that last Temple has miraculously come to life points to the fact that another Holy Jewish Temple is also going to miraculously come to life after 2000 years. God is demonstrating to this evil generation that He can do the impossible. He can bring the dead back to life. By the way, the Biblical miracle of resurrecting the dead is the most coveted healing of all these phonies of today. I remember Oral Roberts once tried to pull it off, but an alert press core investigated the lie. He has since backed away from the claim, but I tell you the truth if God truly were using any of these healers today resurrections from the dead would be daily occurrences. The very fact that they can't is proof of their impotency when it comes to performing miracles. In Israel real resurrections from the dead are happening. There is no phoniness taking place in those resurrections. In 1948 The dead nation of Israel was brought back to life just like the Bible said it would happen. The Jews are back, but not one reference to Biblical miracles. We have waited for 2000 years, and now that the God of the Bible is doing miracles of Biblical proportions there is silence. The dry bones have again come together, but this evil generation will not attribute this promised miracle to God. The last stage of the dry bones is when God breaths into them life. He breathed life into that dried out dead seed, and He is going to do the same for many of the Jews of Israel. After the rapture of this last Laodicean Church Age God is going to pour out His spirit upon the land of Israel. The next Jewish Kingdom Age is about to be realized. The miracle of redemption is promised to this generation of Jews. Their Messiah King is about to establish His Kingdom in the Holy Land, at Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount. Islam will be wiped off the map not Israel, and the times of the gentiles will soon quickly end. Dispensational change is coming to planet earth after 2000 years of the Church Age. The Jews will build Ezekiel's Temple that will last throughout the Millennial Kingdom Age, and where Christ will sit on His throne ruling with a rod of righteousness. Friend, the impossible is about to miraculously become reality. The dead are going to be raised to life. However, the Bible is clear only those who are born again will enter into this coming Kingdom. WHAT ABOUT YOU? HAVE YOU BEEN WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB? Christ died at Calvary the perfect atonement for sin. His resurrection proved His sacrifice was accepted by the Holy God of the Bible. It is you who must come to Him for forgiveness of sin. It is your choice. Christ paid the penalty of death for sin, but you must come to Him for salvation. Friend, won't you come to Him in prayer right now. Won't you come to Christ, and live. There is no room for phoniness at His feet. The Bible says we must all come with all our heart, soul, and might. There is no bargaining. There is only humble repentance of a lost sinner coming to His loving master. Oh friend, won't you come?
Ezekiel 11:19-21
And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:20
That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.21
But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord God .KJV
Monday - June 16, 2008
Shunning politics
When politicians are unpopular that's their problem, but when polls show that the public is increasingly estranged from the political system itself, it's everyone's problem.
Think of "the system" as including all the variables associated with political life - institutions, players, even values. Yet no matter how serious the dissatisfaction, a political system's legitimacy is best judged by its ability to respond to citizen frustration. When too many people feel it doesn't deliver the goods and doesn't have the capacity to repair what's broken, legitimacy is at risk.
IT IS IN this context that we consider the 2008 Democracy Index-Guttman Center Survey conducted for the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI), released earlier this week. The results reveal just how appalled Israelis are by the state of politics in this country.
Ninety percent feel the system is tainted with corruption - and the poll was conducted before the allegations involving Morris Talansky and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert became known.
These findings bolster a 2006 Transparency International report on "corruption perceptions," which placed Israel below the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
Mistrust in government institutions, the IDI survey found, continues to grow - hardly surprising when the prime minister is under multiple investigations. Nor is it astounding that only 29% of Israelis trust the Knesset (down from 33%) given that 15 MKs are either under investigation or have been indicted or convicted. A minuscule 15% of Israelis trust their political parties.
In the survey's pre-Talansky finding, only 17% told the IDI they trusted the prime minister. An Israel Radio poll on Thursday found that a solid majority of Israelis feel Ehud Olmert has a mandate to make neither war or peace. ...
Folks, I pray you can understand what God is doing in Israel today. The Secular Liberal Olmert Government is about to collapse through its own incompetence. God has withdrawn His blessings, and the truth is being realized by the Jews. The Jews have not just lost their faith in the liberals, but they have lost their faith in the entire secular political system. They know it is not liberal, or conservative. They know it is not ever going to be through the political secular system that peace will come. They are beginning to realize the most important thing is their relationship with God. This lesson is being taught not just to the Jews, but to the entire world. There is only one God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Great King David through who's seed has come the LORD Jesus Christ. Promises have been made about the seed of David. Great promises that can never be revoked. Chastening of the Jews for their disobedience is definatly harsh, but the promise through David are sure to come. The God of the Bible is in control. He has come to mankind through the LORD Jesus Christ. Now, mankind staring with the Jews must come to Him. God can never change, and so it is man who must be changed if there will ever be peace with the Holy God of the Bible. This is what redemption, and Calvary is all about. Christ returning to the Jews as the King of Glory. The affirmation that God will never, never, never forsake Jacob, or David His servant.
Jeremiah 33:23-26
Moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,24
Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the Lord hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? thus they have despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them.25
Thus saith the Lord ; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth;26
Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them.KJV
John 7:42
Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?KJV
It will not be Allah, and his seed from Abraham, Ishmael, and Esau, but the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob upon whom the Great God of the Bible will have mercy. The only success the secular politicians ever had was through this God, and when He withholds His mercy the secular governments fall. The Jews only came out of 2000 years of captivity due to the mercy of this God, and now He is calling in His due. The Jews must come out of their secular mind set, and turn to Him the real source of mercy.
Christian America is also facing the same challenge from this God of the Bible. The Road Map is the greatest secular challenge against all God is doing in the Holy Land. Today's Evangelical dominated Christian era has let the secular politicians dictate our policy to peace in the Holy Land by giving most of it to the heathen barbarians who hate Christ more then any other culture on the planet. They would meet Him with suicide bombs strapped to infants before ever submitting to His authority as King of the Jews and the world. This seed of Abraham, Ishmael, and Esau are a despicable people self striped of all conscience, and human integrity. Yet, Christian America turns to the silver tongued negotiating powers of the secular politicians rather then Christ of the Bible.
We are certainly in the last days of the Church dispensation. God is pressing His will on mankind. The way is being prepared for the return of the LORD Jesus Christ to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. The world politicians through the Road Map are trying to provide a secular alternative to His soon return. Friend, it never was, nor ever will be through politics that peace will come to planet earth. The final offer for perfect peace was made at Calvary. Jesus paid the price for sin by being the perfect atonement. He has been calling all mankind throughout the Church Age to come to Him for the perfect salvation He offers through His blood for the forgiveness of sin. Friend, the only issue with you right now is have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you born again? Friend, the LORD Jesus Christ loves you. He died in your place, and wants you saved. Won't you come with all your heart, soul, and might asking for forgiveness, and salvation? Come to Christ, dear friend, and live.
1 Peter 2:21-24
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:22
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:23
Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.KJV
Saturday - June 29, 2008
Palestinian mortar fire breaches Gaza truce again
Palestinian terror militias in Gaza continued to violate the Israel-Hamas ceasefire on Friday, firing several mortar rounds into the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported, but it marked the fourth day in a row that mortars or rockets had been launched at Israeli communities without any Israeli military response. Instead the Olmert government has decided to close indefinitely the crossings into Gaza which were re-opened on Sunday as part of the truce terms. Hamas leaders say they consider the border closures a violation of the truce and add they will not commit “treason” by punishing those Palestinian groups firing the rockets. On Thursday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was uncharacteristically critical of the lack of a military response to this week’s Kassam barrages, saying the IDF should be ordered to take action. "I don't care who fired. There must be an immediate military response to every violation," said Livni.
God well knew the hate Islam would generate toward the Jews when He chose this generation to fulfill the Biblical prophecies pertaining to the second coming of the LORD Jesus Christ to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. All the nations on earth are predicted to join in the hate against God, and His chosen people. The Bible is clear the times of the gentiles is going to end. A new dispensation is dawning on the planet. The Jewish Kingdom Age began to rise with the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1948. God well knew the end of this miraculous Third Exodus would be Armageddon, and the destruction of the gentile nations.
Joel 3:1-3
For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,2
I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.3
And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.KJV
Joel 3:9-13
Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:10
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.11
Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord .12
Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.13
Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.KJV
Every Exodus was opposed by the gentile interlopers who defiantly lived on the land God promised to the Jews. This Third Exodus is no different. Today, it is the Arabs of Palestine who defiantly squat on the land God has promised to the Jews. Their wickedness is being recorded daily, and their recompense is fully ripe and ready for judgment. The politically incompetent Olmert government thinks they can bribe the heathen into submission by offering them land that is not theirs to give. The Olmert government under the pressure from the Evangelical American Road Map plan is willing to give the heathen all of Judah and Samaria. The give away would include most of Jerusalem to be used as the capital of the newly formed heathen nation, and would include the sovereignty over the Temple Mount now
under Jewish jurisdiction. God wants all the heathen removed. The Evangelical Americans, and the Israeli Jews have it all wrong. They defy the Great God of the Bible by thinking they can use His promised land as a gambling chip to promise the heathen as a political ploy for peace. A peace that God knows will never be accepted by the heathen, or the rest of the gentile nations.
The wickedness of this generation is great. All the religions of the world are putting every stumbling block possible in the way of Christ's return to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Only a small remnant understand the danger this lukewarm era of the Church Age has produced. Only a remnant of "Born Again" Christians will be removed (raptured) from the great whore of today's apostate Christianity. We must go. We must step aside for the next dispensation. The LORD Jesus Christ is coming again to be the King of the Jews. The times of the gentiles will be ended forever. The coming Kingdom will be established in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Judgment is coming to planet earth, and only the humbled will survive.
Friend, have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb? Apostasy runs wild in this wicked generation. False christ's are rampant. Only the Christ of the Bible has the power to wash away sin. He died as the only perfect atonement for sin. He offers salvation to all who will come, but the requirement is that you come with all your heart, soul, and might. Religion can't save. All the phony traditions of men down through the ages are worthless. The prosperity gospel so prominent among the Charismatics is a lie. Come to the real Christ of the Bible, and you will find the truth. Only this Christ of the Bible has the power to change the heart, and make us fit to enter into His coming Kingdom. Won't you come to Him right now? Let Him lift the blindness from your eyes so you can see the truth of this evil generation, and separate yourself from the heathen.
Matthew 5:3-12
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.7
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.8
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.10
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.11
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.12
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.KJV
Sunday - June 30, 2008
Erekat: Israeli-PA peace deal within reach
Leaders who sign deal will be more important than Jesus’
Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian Authority’s main negotiator with Israel, told a gathering of the Peres Peace Center on Thursday that the parties are closer than ever to a peace deal ending their conflict, adding that the “Israeli and Palestinian leaders who reach an agreement will be more important to the region's history than Jesus.” Erekat claimed that solutions are now “possible” on all the core issues in dispute, and insisted “this is the time to make decisions." He said that talks over temporary arrangements were useless given the six months left in the Annapolis timetable for reaching a deal before US President George W. Bush leaves office.
Had this Islamic barbarian said the signers would become more important historically then Mohammed his bones would already be bleaching in the Gaza sun, but because he used the name of Jesus there is relatively no reaction. This was a well thought out statement aimed to show how insignificant the LORD Jesus Christ is to this evil generation. Islam wants to imply that the historical record of Christ can easily be supplanted by Palestinian Arab negotiators who would sign some meaningless peace treaty. In the mean time, the
world quivers at the mere misuse of the name Mohammed by anyone. The Dutch have recently been singled out for running cartoon illustrations of Mohammed with death threats for their supposed sacrilegious actions. I would like to go on record as stating categorically that Mohammed is a blasphemer. He read both Old and New Testaments, and rejected the truth! He wrote the Koran with only one purpose, and that was to replace the God of the Bible with a false god of his own creation. A god for the barbarian Arabs of the day. A god of vindictiveness who will not stand to be disrespected. The Islamic culture of today reflects the character Mohammed invented for his god of the barbarian who has taken total depravity to new lows with the glorification of children suicide bombers. The terrorist who stands in a crowded pizza restaurant filled with Jewish teens, and blows himself up does it to the praise of Allah.
The LORD Jesus Christ was disrespected from the very beginning. Herod murdered all the children of Bethlehem in an attempt to stop Christ before He could even begin to fulfill His mandate from God to provide the perfect sacrifice for sin. It was at Genesis chapter 12 that Mohammed left the Bible supplanting the Koran for all the barbarous peoples of the earth. Mohammed wrote it was not Isaac, but Ishmael (half the Arabic seed) that Abraham took to the top of Mount Moriah for sacrifice. Mohammed disrespected the Jewish seed through which the LORD Jesus was to come right from the beginning. He replaced Esau (the other half of the Arabic seed) with Jacob to further separate his god of the barbarian with the true God of the Bible. The disrespect for the Bible continues today as the puppet Palestinian Authority government propped up by our Evangelical President who established them after they were expelled from Gaza. Today, the Road Map would take from the Jews all of Judah and Samaria, and give them to these blasphemers. With Judah goes most of Jerusalem for a capital dedicated to the Koran, and with Jerusalem goes all Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
Folks, the Bible, and the Great God of the Bible is being disrespected in the worst way by both Christian and Jew. Islam is the great winner as the politics of this evil generation unfold. I tell you the truth that there is soon coming recompense for this evil generation. The LORD Jesus Christ is coming again, but this time in judgment. He is coming as the King of Glory. He is coming to end the times of the gentiles, and establish the Jewish Kingdom announced by John the Baptist so long ago. The politicians of his day cut off the head of John the Baptist for his announcement. No greater act of disrespect could be demonstrated. They nailed the perfectly righteous Christ to the cross of Calvary showing their contempt for His message and life time of testimony. Friend, the disrespect has been answered with longsuffering by this wondrous God of the Bible, but there will be a time of recompense when longsuffering ends. Where will you be when that day arrives? On which side will you appear?
The LORD Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. It is your responsibility to come to Him for the forgiveness of your sin. He paid the price with His own precious blood so all sin can be forgiven, but He will not force you to be saved. You must come! Friend, won't you come to this Christ of the Bible, and live. To die in your sin is unnecessary, and only will happen because you reject this Christ of the Bible. Friend, do not press the longsuffering of God unto your own death. There are no second chances. Again I say come to this Christ of the Bible, and live.
Exodus 34:6-8
And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord , The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,7
Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.8
And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.KJV
Romans 2:4-6
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?5
But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;6
Who will render to every man according to his deeds:KJV
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